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David S
David S
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I think Dr. 4 Tom Baker is

I think Dr. 4 Tom Baker is most Americans' favorite because he was the current one when it started airing on PBS. It was unfortunate that they decided to de-humor the show and character when Peter Davison started; he could have been just as funny as Tom, maybe moreso.

My second favorite is Sylvester McCoy. Troughton and C. Baker were really horse's patoots. Pertwee wasn't bad. Never saw enough of Whatsisname, the original, to form an opinion. Of course, 8 never had a chance.

Of the modern ones, Eccleston is my least favorite, but not bad.

I really liked the way they used Billie without her being Rose in the 50th anniversary show. (My God, I just realized that was almost TWO YEARS AGO already!!!


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: RE: Ahem. Eyes


Ahem. Eyes looking from the neck up please guys. What beautiful multi-level eyebrows they have ... :-)

Cheers, Mike ( moderator hat on )

*peer surreptitiously at Mike's hat* you coloured your hair again?

:) don't think it was quite that shade, but it was close ...

.... should have seen that one coming. I am etched ( in glorious color ) onto the tarmac of the information superhighway. Forever. :-)

Someone was commenting to me the other day - they had been thinking about the internet - on how sad it might be for us all if another civilisation randomly selected a web page to judge us all upon. What if they hit a Facebook site ? We'd be toast. What would be sadder IHMO is that it could indeed be a justifiable decision. Can't have this pond scum infesting the universe .... warm up the Planet Squasher lieutenant Purple Blob !

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: warm up the Planet


warm up the Planet Squasher lieutenant Purple Blob !

Cheers, Mike.

Sir, I do believe Marvin has dibs on that..

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: RE: warm up the


warm up the Planet Squasher lieutenant Purple Blob !

Cheers, Mike.

Sir, I do believe Marvin has dibs on that..

Ah. The Q-36. Indeed that had slipped my mind : "Where's the Kaboom ? There was supposed to be an earth shattering Kaboom."

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Ah classic BBC sci fi


Ah classic BBC sci fi shows.

Grew up watching Space1999 Now there was a show. Rushed home everyday from elementary school to try and catch it on UHF here in the States.

Didn't find out about UFO until many years later but never could catch all the shows or find them in any order. So it was very confusing to see. Decades later, thanks Amazon, I was able to buy the complete series on DVD and figure out what it was all about. (also got all the Space1999 episodes)

Dr. Who and Red Dwarf were my Saturday night midnight shows during college (Again UHF) Loved them.

I've attempt to collect Dr. Who dvd but there is so many different versions of the same episodes that it's hard to decide on which ones are best.

TL is the 4th your favorite? I just came across his website. You can buy personalized signed photos of him. Just a thought.


Hi Zalster!!! :-)

Yes, Tom Baker is my all time favorite Doctor. However; I do boast to liking all of them, even though it took me most of Colin Baker's time to get into his character. I have a signed photo of Sylvester McCoy.

I wish I had enough money to buy all 50 Years of Doctor WHO on DVD... Alas, I'm on a fixed income, and this may never come to pass. I did collect a few classic episodes on VHS; WAAAAAAY before DVD came out. However; now my Super VHS player won't load tapes anymore. I did just recently re-purchase The Five Doctors on DVD to be able to see it again.


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
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My opinion of Colin Baker did

My opinion of Colin Baker did improve substantially after listening to a few cast commentaries by him. Still don't like his doctor very much, but he was John Nathan Turner's vision :/ as were Peter Davison and Sylvester Mckoy to varying degrees. In trying to bury Tom Baker's larger than life doctor (who gave him trouble on set and so "had to go" in his view) he ended up casting people who allowed him too heavy a hand I think. But that's just my opinion, and could be completely wrong :)

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David S
David S
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RE: My opinion of Colin

My opinion of Colin Baker did improve substantially after listening to a few cast commentaries by him. Still don't like his doctor very much, but he was John Nathan Turner's vision :/ as were Peter Davison and Sylvester Mckoy to varying degrees. In trying to bury Tom Baker's larger than life doctor (who gave him trouble on set and so "had to go" in his view) he ended up casting people who allowed him too heavy a hand I think. But that's just my opinion, and could be completely wrong :)

My opinion of Colin improved a bit after seeing the anniversary special he did where he got to be himself instead of the Doctor they wanted him to be.

Now, let's see if I can walk to the euphemism with any less back pain than last time.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Now, let's see if I can

Now, let's see if I can walk to the euphemism with any less back pain than last time.

If you walk the walk, can you talk the talk?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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RE: RE: Now, let's see if

Now, let's see if I can walk to the euphemism with any less back pain than last time.

If you walk the walk, can you talk the talk?

By the time I get there, I'm usually fine.

Leaning forward at my desk causes my back to get stiff and then it hurts when I get up. A few weeks ago, my left hip joint was acting up and now it's doing it again. Not sure what's causing that. I'll mention it to the dr. next week.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Joined: 6 Feb 14
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RE: By the time I get


By the time I get there, I'm usually fine.

Leaning forward at my desk causes my back to get stiff and then it hurts when I get up. A few weeks ago, my left hip joint was acting up and now it's doing it again. Not sure what's causing that. I'll mention it to the dr. next week.

Oh. Are you allowed to have two things potentially wrong with you at the same time then? My GP's surgery doesn't permit that anymore. Or rather, you're allowed to have loads of things wrong with you, but you're only allowed to mention one per visit and outright forbidden from suggesting two or more symptoms might be linked. Probably something to do with broadband limits. One search per 2.48 minutes (about as long as a consultation takes) and if you don't resemble a picture - out you go without even a prescription to finish you off. It's so bad, I'm beginning to think the doctors there aren't doctors at all, but receptionists.

Anyway... hope you're not suffering too much with it today, David :)

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