Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

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Not so sure that was in

Not so sure that was in error.

Pluto will always be a Planet to me.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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Is this where Misfit would

Is this where Misfit would mention moobs?

Chris S
Chris S
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Most probably, but as our

Most probably, but as our dear leader advises, eyes above the neck lads, applies to men as well :-))

Mind you, some people did get on your t**s .....*

* Wonder if I can say that ...?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: Is your nephew's Main

Is your nephew's Main Brain Bendy Bone [ MBBB or MB^3 ] OK ?

Oh yes :) He only notices he's hurt himself when red stuff leaks out of an impact zone. When it stops, he forgets all about it. He suffers from having good ideas you see. I suffer from that too sometimes, but I'm a little better at envisaging consequences and scrapping them before they get too... consequency... usually :)

please do feel free to ignore the shrunken ramble that follows... like I will everyone's moobs... :)

He was one of those low demand babies. The ones that mums give up for adoption at birth because they love them too much to inflict the same car crash of a life on them that they are still suffering from themselves - and self-medicated for throughout their pregnancy. He's a real sweetheart :) but everyone waiting to adopt at the time turned their noses up at the thought they might end up with a less than perfect child in the future :( So the agency contacted my sister, who had adopted her two eldest from them, and asked if she wanted a third. I'm glad she did, and so is she... and if he does get banned from buildings, he can teach me all the stuff I've forgotten about, about how to live in trees :)

You can open your eyes now! :)

edit: *make note to pop into Harrods sometime... this century*

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RE: edit: *make note to pop

edit: *make note to pop into Harrods sometime... this century*

That is the one place that I have always wanted to visit but never got around to the few times I've been in London.

I think I need to just set aside a day to go there and look around (Can't actually afford to buy anything there, lol)

Have plenty of pics of the place when I rode past it on the bus but never got off to take a look inside.

David S
David S
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Well, today's bit of

Well, today's bit of excitement is that while I was still at home and mostly naked, some lovely darling here sprayed pepper spray in an area known as the Commons (a space bigger than a classroom but smaller than a lunchroom that was created by removing a large number of lockers, used during the day for study halls and after school for various activities). Our staff apparently responded quickly, clearing everybody out and ventilating the space. The fire department came and ended up taking four students and two staff for treatment of breathing problems. The first three periods' study halls were relocated here in the library (which is nearby enough that I closed the doors to keep the smell out).

The matter is being investigated for disciplinary purposes.

Hmmm... the local CBS station is reporting that three students were arrested. We have not officially heard that from the administration and I have no personal knowledge of it.

Fox is saying pretty much the same but with a more sensational headline about a hazmat situation.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Chris S
Chris S
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Maybe TMI David :-))

Maybe TMI David :-))

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Fox is saying pretty

Fox is saying pretty much the same but with a more sensational headline about a hazmat situation.

Well that will become a terror attack or UFO encounter by the time it gets to us DownUnda then. Of course the spray may have been a clever ruse to get everyone cleared out, before you emerged semi-naked upon them ...... :-)

He was one of those low demand babies. The ones that mums give up for adoption at birth because they love them too much to inflict the same car crash of a life on them that they are still suffering from themselves - and self-medicated for throughout their pregnancy. He's a real sweetheart :) but everyone waiting to adopt at the time turned their noses up at the thought they might end up with a less than perfect child in the future :( So the agency contacted my sister, who had adopted her two eldest from them, and asked if she wanted a third. I'm glad she did, and so is she... and if he does get banned from buildings, he can teach me all the stuff I've forgotten about, about how to live in trees :)

Ah. That's one of those scenarios where the snooty clever people - who know best for people's morals - must be kept away. That way the kid can have a good chance of life without being run over by the Ethical Steamroller careering down upon him from the high moral ground held by the We Are Rather Far Extra Better Than Thou Tribe.

As for health insurance DownUnda there is going to be a big shakeup soon to our Federal Medicare scheme. The punters don't know it yet though. Our esteemed Minister Of Health is running a campaign - you should dob in your local doctor to her if you think he/she is ordering unnecessary tests. I kid you not. Anyhows this is the usual prodrome I've witnessed in the last 3 decades with governments. This would be about the twelfth iteration of the following ruse : they have to break a cover story in advance, by lighting a fire to generate the smoke to obscure the real deal, and confuse what would otherwise be a clear reduction in entitlement. Mind you there may well be a good argument to do that, but the pollies certainly don't want that degree of clarity in the discussion. My objection is that we doctors are then labelled as the arsonists. We don't prevent good care, we enable it.

The sadder news is that the younger graduates who might have replaced the likes of me when I either dement or fall off the perch are quite sensibly doing something else with their lives. For more money probably but certainly to avoid an industry which has been well corrupted for over a generation now by sheer stupidity of over-over-oversight & micromanagement by numpties. This increases steadily by the year and bizarrely now matches or exceeds the farcical level as portrayed in say, the 1980's Yes Minister comedy show ( we do literally have "fully staffed hospitals" that lack doctors, nurses and patients ). The counter-intuitive result is that a decent slab of the populus may not receive medical care at even the basic level as experienced two generations ago. If you're not on the money bus you get nuthin' ( so pay or die ) and the bestest best scanner in the world is irrelevant.

The demographic for 25 to 55 year olds in general practice, the doctors that is, is 1/6th [ yes ~ 16% ] of the absolute numbers in the late 1980's. With a burgeoning general population level the relative deficiency is worse ie. it really is your actual burnt out train/plane crash. So 'nothing to see here .... move along' is what the hoi polloi get from their elected 'representatives'. Mind you that line is in turn accepted without query, in our age of low-information voting, because if it is on TV - and we like the sound of it as spin is so soothing compared to nasty facts - it must be right, eh ?

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Yes it is Friday and I'm a wee bit grumpy evidently. In the similar vein of bureaucrats going on 'fact finding' missions to the Caribbean, I feel I ought go on a 'brain finding' mission to Canberra. But our nation's capitol is currently in Caligula Mode - the proscription lists have been nailed up at street corners plus coffee tables are being broken - so I'll need to make sure I don't look like a member of parliament lest my venous channels be laid open to the atmosphere. :-) :-)

( edit ) Brilliant idea : require full medicals for all politicians prior to election. This includes the brain MRI. Do a lobe count and see if they are in the proper order etc. Could also extend the scan downwards to see if anyone else's arm is inside them working their mouth. They can still sit as members regardless but : no brain, no vote. Money well spent.

( edit ) { slow day at the clinic ... } now we did have a 'common man' elected to the Senate last time around. Turns out his topic of interest was rather narrow : one ought be able to do night time circle work in the supermarket car parks without the police arriving and interrupting events. So he had sort of "I lay down rubber and I vote" type of platform. Don't know what else he thinks, either he doesn't get interviewed or doesn't respond intelligently. If hooning is the apex of his thought tasking then maybe he's being done a favor by not reporting his remarks.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

David S
David S
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RE: ( edit ) Yes it is

( edit ) Yes it is Friday and I'm a wee bit grumpy evidently.

Geez, Mike, if I'd known it would upset you that much, I wouldn't have solved the jumble while you were asleep.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
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RE: RE: ( edit ) Yes it

( edit ) Yes it is Friday and I'm a wee bit grumpy evidently.

Geez, Mike, if I'd known it would upset you that much, I wouldn't have solved the jumble while you were asleep.

Yes you did, didn't you ? :-)

I took one for the team as they say. But I would never had nailed "latebricole - of an animal that lives in a hole" in a legoleptic fit. :-)

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Correction logoleptic. Legoleptic refers to "A LEGO maniac or someone who has seizures about LEGO".

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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