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Looks like I'm not the only

Looks like I'm not the only one thinking they are trying to kill off the series.

The female companion has quit, and the guy playing the doctor says he wants to quit as well...

I'm guessing the guy who writes for the series is stuck in a contract and want to move onto other projects but can't while this series is still on tv (my opinion)

I bet we see it end within the next year.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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I obviously live under a

I obviously live under a rock. I hadn't known that Elisabeth Sladen has passed away in 2011. She was the best assistant ever, followed closely by Lalla Ward IMHO.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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Rose Tyler played by Billie

Rose Tyler played by Billie Piper was quite good.

The whole problem for me is that way back in 1976 it was stated that there could only be 12 re-generations before the time lord died. Probably because they never saw it lasting for 50 years since 1963 and gain an adult following! We are now on the 13th Doctor, so they are going to have to come up with a fudge to move the goal posts.

It was the Time Lords Council that decreed the limit of 12 so the possibility is to bring that aspect into it. However, remember that Dr Who is a rogue Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, who fled from there in a stolen Mark I Type 40 TARDIS. They may not be very friendly towards him!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: Rose Tyler played by


Rose Tyler played by Billie Piper was quite good.

The whole problem for me is that way back in 1976 it was stated that there could only be 12 re-generations before the time lord died. Probably because they never saw it lasting for 50 years since 1963 and gain an adult following! We are now on the 13th Doctor, so they are going to have to come up with a fudge to move the goal posts.

It was the Time Lords Council that decreed the limit of 12 so the possibility is to bring that aspect into it. However, remember that Dr Who is a rogue Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, who fled from there in a stolen Mark I Type 40 TARDIS. They may not be very friendly towards him!


The Time Lords already gave The Doctor a new regeneration set at the end of Matt Smith's Doctor. Peter Capaldi is the first regeneration of the new life cycle.

Further, why wouldn't the Time Lords have given The Doctor a new set of regenerations after all he has done for Gallifrey, Earth, and the universe??? They gave The Master a full set of regenerations after helping The Doctor in The Five Doctors; so, why not bestow the same courtesy to The Doctor??? (...And, so they did...)


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
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Yes. What he said *wave

Yes. What he said *wave wildly at TL* It's the BBC getting all snooty about their "vision going forward" that will mess with regenerations. The minute they pitched this series into the same time-slot as the X factor and the rugby world cup and after the big yawn of celebrities wiggling about the place to music (and anything else they can easily predict will keep people away from the BBC with just a quick look at what the 5000 or so BARB boxes report, day in day out from the same 5000 homes week in week out) their writing was on our walls, and included a rather rude finger alongside it.

They don't like science fiction, and they hate successful science fiction *pause to put both doctors into the recovery position* I should have found a different word rather than fiction there really...

I'll take that as my cue to stop ranting :)

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You would think with all

You would think with all those people following the series (ie ratings) that they would want to keep them. I can think of a lot of networks here that would kill to have those rating and followers. That would mean higher fees for commercials, etc..

But then I'm not sure how it works over in UK. I know in the past you had to have a license for a TV or radio? Wasn't that the case? Don't know if it 's still the case.

Good thing we don't have that here. I'd be in big trouble, lol.. More TVs that I can count on 1 hand.

But maybe since they have a guarantee revenue they can be that way regarding TV shows. At least that is how I see it (which is probably and totally wrong since again I'm not sure how it works over there)

I actually prefer the 4th doctor. Had the chance to see Mr. Baker in London when he was doing a play about a detective interviewing a family about a girl who committed suicide. Was a great play and wonderful performance.

Ok, everyone have a good weekend

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: They don't like science

They don't like science fiction, and they hate successful science fiction

Er excuse me my good woman? I think you'll find that the BBC is quite fond of successful Sci Fi TV series.

BBC Science fiction series

Dr Who
Blakes 7
A for Andromeda
Hitch-hikers guide to Galaxy
Invasion Earth
Red Dwarf
Space 1999

Logans run (ITV)

X factor - insults the intelligence and should be banned. Anything to do with that Cowell person should also be banned, and so should he. Smug little git!

Rugby world cup - The continual gridlock for a 10 mile radius around Twickenham is outrageous. Why should 90% of the country suffer because of the 10% selfish?

the big yawn of celebrities wiggling about the place to music

Ah yes Strictly. Not celebrities, mainly past its and wannabes. And who doesn't want to splosh smarmy Tess Daly with a large cream pie? Bruce did his career a favour by dropping out. Keep Dancing - CRINGE !!!


But then I'm not sure how it works over in UK. I know in the past you had to have a license for a TV or radio? Wasn't that the case? Don't know if it 's still the case.

Good thing we don't have that here. I'd be in big trouble, lol.. More TVs that I can count on 1 hand.

The UK radio licence was abolished in 1971. There is still a UK TV licence but it applies to the property not an individual TV receiving device. You can have as many TV's or computers, or whatever you like within that property. The rules for second homes and caravans are different. TV Licence

I'd love a BARB box! I'd connect it to a spare TV in the back room and tune it to 183 Freeview 24/7, that would screw their figures up! JICTAR was better.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: Er excuse me my good

Er excuse me my good woman? I think you'll find that the BBC is quite fond of successful Sci Fi TV series.

I don't know anything about those ancient ones you mentioned :) because I've never seen them, but when I said BBC, I meant BBC1. Hitch hikers guide and Red Dwarf were BBC2. Perhaps you haven't seen the documentary about how hard it was to get Red Dwarf made? Only happened because a drama series got cancelled and, to avoid an accounting nightmare with the funding that had already been allocated for it, Paul Jackson caved in :) Good man! His timing of how he did it meant it was too late for the powers above him to stop it from happening. Fait accompli! :) He couldn't save it from going to Dave, though he did try. BBC refused funding.

As regards Doctor Who, my other half got my son into it at an early age, and we now have all the old series on DVD - and they include documentaries and cast/crew/director/producer commentaries. BBC1 director generals hate it. They picked it up again only because some fans grew up determined to bring it back - to the point they were willing to challenge the deathgrip BBC1 was exercising on the copyrights in court. They caved in - and Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper were the result.

edit: erm... I may have somewhat rashly given TL permission to tell America that they can invade us if the BBC pull the plug again... was that wrong? :)

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Chris S
Chris S
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Red Dwarf was always a bit of

Red Dwarf was always a bit of a niche program, which wasn't helped much by its star Craig Charles having a colourful private life. But yes it hit the spot for me, I love it!

As for Dr Who the old series are clearly the best, way better than the recent ones. But I did like the Billie piper episodes.

edit: erm... I may have somewhat rashly given TL permission to tell America that they can invade us if the BBC pull the plug again... was that wrong? :)

You might well say erm missus! Can't leave you on your own for 5 minutes.....

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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Ah classic BBC sci fi shows.

Ah classic BBC sci fi shows.

Grew up watching Space1999 Now there was a show. Rushed home everyday from elementary school to try and catch it on UHF here in the States.

Didn't find out about UFO until many years later but never could catch all the shows or find them in any order. So it was very confusing to see. Decades later, thanks Amazon, I was able to buy the complete series on DVD and figure out what it was all about. (also got all the Space1999 episodes)

Dr. Who and Red Dwarf were my Saturday night midnight shows during college (Again UHF) Loved them.

I've attempt to collect Dr. Who dvd but there is so many different versions of the same episodes that it's hard to decide on which ones are best.

TL is the 4th your favorite? I just came across his website. You can buy personalized signed photos of him. Just a thought.


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