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Quote:Hello, I was reading the forums and found information that looked like I would be able to use my ATI HD 2600xt...
7th November 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
It seems that a bird (raven?) having bombed the busbar of the LHC with a piece of bread (baguette?) has caused an increase...
5th November 2009
Quote: I believe its Alan Shepard. The first American in space. And it is Scott Capentar You're right. Strange how...
3rd November 2009
The astronauts' names might be (from memory only): Alan Bean, Virgil Grissom, John Glenn, Gordon Cooper. So far so good...
3rd November 2009
I don't run graphics as a screensaver. But when I hit the graphics button I like to see something moving, proving that the...
2nd November 2009