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Well, SETI is a good exercise in pattern recognition. You try to filter some significant signal from noise. Once I had to...
17th October 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
Quote:I know this is off topic but... A theory.. Number of universes 10^10^16 I think that the Hindu had the...
17th October 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
Mechanical engineers reduce the sphere to a point (its baricentre). Gruss from Solaris, running as a guest on a Linux host...
16th October 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
I think they are theoretical physicists while LHC is being developed by experimental physicists. There has been a class...
16th October 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
A monk called Ockham said once: Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. This is Ockham's Razor and can make...
15th October 2009