I am a 78 years old theoretical physicist from Trieste, Italy (retired). I have always been interested in general relativity due to its sheer mathematical cleanliness and beauty, but when I graduated in 1967 with a thesis on "Dynamical symmetries" nobody was interested in general relativity and I had to go to Milan to work as a physics and astronomy editor at Edizioni Scientifiche Mondadori. In that capacity I published some information on the first attempts by Joseph Weber at the University of Maryland to detect gracvitational waves and was severely reprimanded by an eminent Italian particle physicist since those attempts, in his opinion, were not "galilean science" in the sense that they were not experiments, like throwing weights from the Torre di Pisa or smashing protons against antiprotons in a colliding ring, but only observations. Then I left that position and worked for three Italian electronics and computer industries. Now I am at home in Rodano, near Milano, and on my Linux box with an Opteron 1210 processor I run three Boinc-based programs, SETI Astropulse, Climateprediction.net and Albert@home since January 2008.
Another Linux box with an AMD APU E-450 is running Einstein@home, SETI@home MB stock app and Test4Theory@home from CERN with Virtual Box installed from Oracle, formerly SUN, which built my earlier box.
I have explained my interest in general relativity. Einstein@home looks like a good physics experiment, no matter what prof. Zichichi said. I know there is a similar apparatus (Virgo) near Cascina, Tuscany. I know because my son Daniele lives nearby. I would be only too happy to analyze also their data, if my Linux box does not suffer a gravitational collapse and disappears in a black hole.
Name | Avg credit | Total credit |
SETI@home | 0 | 2.93M |
Einstein@Home | 0 | 61.4M |
LHC@home | 0 | 4.34M |
Rosetta@home | 0 | 630k |
SETI@home Beta | 0 | 431k |
GPUGRID | 0 | 104M |
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