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tullio commented on LHC News
Quote:A Higgs-Boson walks into a church. The priest says, " We don't allow Higgs-Bosons in here". The Higgs-Boson says...
26th November 2009
East Antarctica is losing ice too, and here is some news from NASA:NASA report on climate changes Tullio
26th November 2009
At the end of November the zero C isotherm on the Alps is at 4000 meters height. This is the warmest November in 26 years...
25th November 2009
I have installed VirtualBox to run Solaris for a period of testing SETI under Solaris. I remember it asked me to switch to...
24th November 2009
Here it is: tchersi@linux-9sjb:~> xdpyinfo name of display: :0.0 version number: 11.0 vendor string: The X.Org...
24th November 2009