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tullio commented on LHC News
Quote: Is the LHC being Sabotaged from the Future :-) based on The Collider, The Particle, and the Theory about...
15th October 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
LHC is one of the three Big Science projects that I know where technology has been pushed to the limit and the project is...
15th October 2009
I always install BOINC on my home directory by giving the sh command to the Then I start BOINC using the...
15th October 2009
Quote:1st I noticed that the 1st beam is always the most outstanding beam. Is that the 1 for total power of the...
14th October 2009
I never run third party programs as root, always as user, for security reasons. Only the OS programs run as root. Tullio
6th October 2009