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This is the message I get in slots: GLUT: Fatal Error in einstein_S5R6_1.01_graphics_i686-pc-linux-gnu: visual with...
24th November 2009
There is a SETI app for OpenSolaris by Dotsch. I installed it using VirtualBox on my Linux box to run OpenSolaris 10.0....
23rd November 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
LHC is back. First beam circulated clockwise. Tullio
21st November 2009
tullio commented on Gravity Probe B
Both the gamma-ray bursts Nature and Gravity Probe B seem to confirm General Relativity. It is now our task to find...
20th November 2009
tullio commented on LHC News
Browsing I found this address:LHC Tullio
18th November 2009