Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Thesis de Jour : DownUnda we

Thesis de Jour : DownUnda we have inherited a political system modeled upon British constitutional monarchy, bicameral government etc. However for a while there we thought we'd been given a knock-off ... you know ..... the silly buggers version or something. After a couple of years we decided that it did look alright after all, only provided we were blind drunk when we did glance that way. The rest, as they say, is history. This I strongly feel has some bearing on our current concerns. I mean it wouldn't be the first civilization to fall because no-one gave a crap. Scores of those, all lined up to the bleedin' horizon .....

{ Maybe it was intended as a bi-camel government ..... there's a thought ! You see we've been voting in packs of horses *rses instead, which aint the same type of cow is it ? For want of a nail a shoe is lost .... for want of a shoe .... err .... not alot actually. I have others in the wardrobe. Anyway. What was I saying ? Yes, yes. I remember. We got the wrong bloody animal. So try this for a tangent : two camels running the country. Heir and a spare type of arrangement. A Vice-President & the other one without any vices. Batman & Robin. Laurel & Hardy. I think you can see how it would operate ( NOT a David with a pig though ). As an untried variant I honestly reckon this has merit. Cheaper straight off the bat for starters ..... }

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) One lump or two ? Well I think that is getting rather personal, don't you ? We ought not commit humpism here. If the camel can do the job just as well then we shouldn't be asking, should we ? I say the number of humps under their robe of office is none of our business. That won't stop the ruddy Daily Mail selling copy on it though ..... the Hump Edition with readers comments, the obligatory vox pop and a humping [strike]pole[/strike] poll. It'll be 'accidental' photo snaps up the saddle straps next.

( edit ) Darn. I forgot to ask Annie, whom as Queen would have to sit on top of two camels. And an unspecified number of humps.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Heir and a spare type

Heir and a spare type of arrangement

Well Charlie boy is supposed to be the next in line, but as he is half bald there isn't much hair apparent!!

A camel government, hmmmm, cogitates upon that one .....

Well we could have two possibilities couldn't we. I mean both would be strangulated with genius i.e. Camel R Us. The Left could be the drome-dari-us party, and the Right could be the Bactri-anus lot. Tea with HM on Thursday would be one hump or two Prime Minister?

Well HM as in QEII used to ride side saddle in her younger days at Trooping the Colour etc, but it would have to be "can you ride t'tandem?" with camels .....

Tour de PG

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: Where's Phil when we

Where's Phil when we need him! He's great for civil unrest ..... he knows Fung Ku and stuff .... bang the mugs on the tables guys .... barricade the doors .... ooops .... open up the doors .... fire up the torches .... ram that batter ..... let's take the castle ! :-)

Me thinks we start off with a nice LARGE barrel of grog....

Then once we have our courage properly lubricated, we start off with a modified version of the Boston Tea Party.

Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

More grog.


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Chris S
Chris S
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Hey I like the cut of this

Hey I like the cut of this mans jib. Damn the tea, 1773 and all that, lets burn the White House again as well. We'll get more brownie points than last time I reckon :-))

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Chris S
Chris S
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Oi! I sharpened me pitchfork

Oi! I sharpened me pitchfork and bade farewell to my loved ones. Put my life savings of 4 groats into me bum bag. Er, where does we assemble?

Blimey, I bet the Tolpuddle Martyrs never had this hassle. Can't get the agitators these days you know, the quality has gone right off in recent times.

Alright Hermione, I'll be home for tea. I bet Hagar never had this problem!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Grump for the day : the

Grump for the day : the interaction of a NASA press release with our local ratbag broadsheet has created a timewarp.

Researchers deducing that water has flowed on Mars has morphed to water is flowing on Mars via the construct of 'if I was alive on Mars some time ago then I would have seen flowing water' hence justifying the ambiguous headline of "Water Flows on Mars", in turn pivoting on the word 'some'.

Most ten year olds easily understand the difference b/w time tenses. Hence I can only assume that The Melbourne Age is staffed by young children. Or maybe they are now staffed by people who are rather older, but if I was alive some time ago I could have seen the journalists when they were less than ten years old ? See ? You wouldn't use such a crappy language construct to describe the employment policy of newspapers, so why apply that to serious science ?

Other sources throw around 'potentially', 'intermittently', 'probably', 'possible', 'strongest evidence yet', 'seasonally', 'from time to time', 'compelling evidence' etc to get around the annoying factual problem of no water in liquid form, much less flowing along, has actually been observed by anyone at anytime to date.

How to Do This ( excerpted from Mike's You Too Can Be A Modern Journalist Primer, available in the lobby with personal signing by the author ):

Start with "Averaged over the last 100 million years, dinosaurs walk up the valley that I live in"

Finish with "Dinosaurs walk up the valley that I live in"

.... just throw money please.

[ Yes I am aware of the claimed change in recently acquired data to yield the 'flowing' hypothesis. But recall this is from the mob that had the imprint of small round gas pockets in meteorites as bacteria. They woke Bill Clinton up to tell him that, who some years later stated it was one of his more regrettable/forgettable press releases. ]

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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I 1000% agree Mike. We have

I 1000% agree Mike. We have the same nonsense here, but to be fair NASA are their own worst enemies in that they have these special press releases every so often to whip up interest in their projects to ensure future funding. Cant blame them I suppose, it was lack of funding that killed off the shuttles 5 years early. Then of course all the pseudo scientific journals and hack tabloids jump in with banner headlines to sell more copy, by not giving true information.

When most people think of running water they imagine streams, rivers, waterfalls etc, that is NOT what is being talked about here. As far as I understand it, they THINK that ice forms at some point in various places then melts as the temperature increases, leaving traces of where the melt ran. That is not the same thing at all.

The latest nonsense it that half of Mars was covered in an ocean many hundreds of feet deep. Why? because the areas LOOK like they are the ancient seabeds of one. They also LOOK like the result of wind erosion by the way. The problem is that too many people WANT to find life on Mars whether it actually exists or not, either to justify their jobs or their reputation. Much like the UFO lot really.

Other sources throw around 'potentially', 'intermittently', 'probably', 'possible', 'strongest evidence yet', 'seasonally', 'from time to time',

You missed off a couple "latest research indicates ..." and "recent data suggests ...."

I don't think there is any life on Mars as we know it, and there may never have been, but you and I know exactly what will happen don't we? One day someone will find a half dead microbe up there, and we'll have banner headlines all round the world "Life found on Mars!!!". Of course the general public will expect little green men walking about, oh dear what a shame that will be.

I can still remember a primary school teacher in the 50's telling me that as the sun cools down, Venus is like earth was, and Mars is like earth will be. I believed that for years like an idiot!

It's high time that we defined life don't you think? Life to us is, humans, animals, trees, plants, fish, birds etc. Life is NOT bacteria or microbes no matter how much the scientists want to argue that they are. One simple answer is to round up all the scientists and maroon them on a desert island somewhere out of everyone's way, and let them get on with it. As for the ratbag tabloid editors, we'll dump them overboard in chains on the way there.

Where do we sign up Captain?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
Posts: 6596
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RAC: 108501

RE: You missed off a couple

You missed off a couple "latest research indicates ..." and "recent data suggests ...."

Darn ! I did miss those old stalwarts .... :-(

Hey, quick competition for the funniest/quirkiest endings. I'll start with :

"latest research indicates ... that the researchers are late with their research indicators"

"recent data suggests ... nothing at all"

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: After only a few weeks


After only a few weeks of data taking, the experiments have now “rediscovered†all of the known fundamental particles, apart from the so-called Higgs boson, for which more data are still required.

The results show with a new level of precision the way the particle is generated and decays, and how it interacts with other particles.

"the experiments have now “rediscovered†.... We did it again cos you wouldn't believe us.

"more data are still required" .... We still don't know.

"a new level of precision" .... We now know a bit better about what we don't know.

Please keep funding us, you know it makes sense.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
Posts: 6596
Credit: 340283230
RAC: 108501

[embarrassing aside] {

[embarrassing aside]

{ CATEGORY : Sad but true OR I think I'm getting behind the play these days }

Dear Dorothy Dementia,

I've just discovered that when/if you 'subscribe' to a YouTube channel you don't have to pay them any money.

Yours Sinkingheartly,


[/embarrassing aside]

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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