I think he has a license for doing that, but I found it here
Why yes, I am happy to see you, but that's just my OED pocket reference...
I think he has a license for doing that, but I found it here
Why yes, I am happy to see you, but that's just my OED pocket reference...
RE: GoodMorningAfternoonNig
Hey Dan, I'm trying to be at least partly right, looking forward to the busy season (which marks the end of the busier season) :)
RE: RE: GoodMorningAftern
That's good...because if it gets unbusy you'll have nothing to do.
I can't find "unbusy" in my
I can't find "unbusy" in my dictionary???
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
RE: I can't find "unbusy"
I think he has a license for doing that, but I found it here
Why yes, I am happy to see you, but that's just my OED pocket reference...
RE: RE: I can't find
I do!...and it cost a lot to get it.
Went to get a burger
Went to get a burger instead...A whole pizza is too much for one.
Something strange is going on
Something strange is going on at E@H today...It was very hard to get into this very exclusive Bistro.
A tad slow I grant you....
A tad slow I grant you....
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
RE: Something strange is
It was missing me. I've been too busy at work to give it any attention. :(
Physics is for gurls!
I've been away and couldn't
I've been away and couldn't get in as a result of ...
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!