Uncle Albert's Cafe and Ǽ-Theory Bistro

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Well, I had an unscheduled 2

Well, I had an unscheduled 2 hour break from work today! A ~ 60kV substation exploded, arc'ed and blazed away about 10m from the rear of my clinic for about an hour. What a show ... none hurt but we evac'ed anyway. After shutting down half the town they foamed it. Then I find out, thankfully, that the main oil reservoir hadn't gone up even though a ruptured line was feeding the fire. Not to mention the toxic smoke. But we thank the unknown designer of the impressively constructed internal partitions, whom we presume had done some sort of worst case analysis. :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: Well, I had an

Message 65118 in response to message 65117


Well, I had an unscheduled 2 hour break from work today! A ~ 60kV substation exploded, arc'ed and blazed away about 10m from the rear of my clinic for about an hour. What a show ... none hurt but we evac'ed anyway. After shutting down half the town they foamed it. Then I find out, thankfully, that the main oil reservoir hadn't gone up even though a ruptured line was feeding the fire. Not to mention the toxic smoke. But we thank the unknown designer of the impressively constructed internal partitions, whom we presume had done some sort of worst case analysis. :-)

Cheers, Mike.

When working at AREA Science Park above Trieste one morning at about 7 AM (I woke early to work in peace on my MIPS/Bull mini before others arrived) I saw from my window a ring of smoke arising from a near ENEL substation, hitting a cloud layer and enlarging Hiroshima style. The substation had exploded, spilling its oil on the countryside.

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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The remnants of Hurricane

The remnants of Hurricane Gustav will be moving into my area today...It's a good thing i like rain...because there should quite a but of it falling here in the next few days.

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Ah Rain.. We have this crazy

Ah Rain.. We have this crazy low parked off Nova Scotia that just won't go away.. I like it semi- permanent
It will move a little then come back. We broke all records for rainfall during the month of August... Reminded me of Vancouver during November

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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The rain arrived

The rain arrived overnight...and should be stay around until late this evening...The remnants of Gustav are significantly tamer than when the storm hit the gulf coast...Only light winds accompany the moderate rainfall.

John Clark
John Clark
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We have rain (a low) parked

We have rain (a low) parked over the UK, and it's given us rain for the last 2 days. More tomorrow, and it's really nackered my plans for cleaning of my block drive (moss and other weeds) and the front boarder.

Never mind, I have as much inside work to occupy me.

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

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Looks like Hanna is going to

Looks like Hanna is going to give us a good dumping this Sunday.. Normally this far north they are just extratropicial storms at this point.. But more rain we do not need.. It looks like we are going to be leaving some grain crops in the ground.. We have some blight on the potato crops but not much as the mainland and we spray for that stuff. Looking forward to a dry September

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

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RE: It looks like we are

Message 65124 in response to message 65123

It looks like we are going to be leaving some grain crops in the ground.

Time to switch to growing rice, which will do well in all that wetness.
The climate's changing... grow grain in dryer areas, such as the desert! ;-)

Sidney J. Snodgrass
Sidney J. Snodgrass
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RE: and it's really

and it's really nackered my plans for cleaning of my block drive (moss and other weeds) and the front boarder.

As long as he pays his rent.... ;-)

Mrs Miggins - A Lady of uncommon refinement

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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GoodMorningAfternoonNight!...Is everyone alright?

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