Uncle Albert's Cafe and Ǽ-Theory Bistro

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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Hmmmm...The font seems to

Hmmmm...The font seems to have shrunken again...I'll need to break out the reading glasses.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Whoah! Looks like a

Whoah! Looks like a stylesheet change alright, some graduated shading & different button styles, rounded edges - nicely done! :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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RE: Whoah! Looks like a

Message 65159 in response to message 65158


Whoah! Looks like a stylesheet change alright, some graduated shading & different button styles, rounded edges - nicely done! :-)

Cheers, Mike.

It is much prettier than the other style...But i will miss the larger font...Overall though...i like it much better.

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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It's Wednesday and the sky is

It's Wednesday and the sky is glowing and the oceans are roaring...How is it where you are...Are you still there?...Or are you somewhere else?

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RE: It's Wednesday It

Message 65161 in response to message 65160

It's Wednesday

It is.

John Clark
John Clark
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And just as Daniel says - the

And just as Daniel says - the sky is roaring and the fields are glowing. Does this mean the end of the world is neigh?

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

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RE: Does this mean the end

Message 65163 in response to message 65162

Does this mean the end of the world is neigh?

Isn't it always that the end of the world is neigh?
It could of course just be Hanna paying you a visit (UK) or Ike peeking in (Texas) and else it's Spring (Southern Hemisphere) or Autumn (Northern Hemisphere) that one can blame.

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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RE: RE: Does this mean

Message 65164 in response to message 65163

Does this mean the end of the world is neigh?

Isn't it always that the end of the world is neigh?
It could of course just be Hanna paying you a visit (UK) or Ike peeking in (Texas) and else it's Spring (Southern Hemisphere) or Autumn (Northern Hemisphere) that one can blame.

The clock has always been ticking.

Chris S
Chris S
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The end of the world is a

The end of the world is a horse???

The end of the world is nigh!!!


Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: Not... Not?

Message 65166 in response to message 65165



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