I am totally new with Linux but have Ubuntu 9.04 installed as a dual boot on an AMD Phenom to see if Linux is faster than Vista for BOINC. I don’t’ know if this is the right place to ask for help, but that I will hear soon enough.
I did an install as suggested via BOINC website, but was not able to open the directories of slots, projects and locale. Especially that I could not look into projects is a problem for me, because I cannot change anything (i.e. app_info) as needed. I even don’t know if there is an app_info in Linux. It seems that Linux has fewer files then Windows.
I let finish the WU’s and then removed BOINC and did another install which I found via a Linux website (can’t remember which). I know that the screensaver is not working in Linux, but when I click on “Show graphicsâ€, the BOINC Manager closes itself. When I click on one of the web sites, nothing happened. WU’s however are processed.
I don’t know if I have to install it in the root (which I have no rights to) and the difference for installing it as a daemon or under my private account.
I have searched at the message boards, but could not find a easy to follow (step-by-step) way to install under Linux. As there a lot of pc’s running Linux, there must be a lot of people with experience.
Could someone please give a web site where to find step-by-step guide? Or must I become familiar with Ubuntu first before getting starting with crunching via Linux?
Thanks for your time.
Greetings from
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Running E@H under Ubuntu
Did you use apt-get? Or?
Good instructions here.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
I always install BOINC on my
I always install BOINC on my home directory by giving the sh command to the file.sh. Then I start BOINC using the run_manager script and this starts the client. It did not do it in 6.6.36 but it does in 6.6.40 which I am using in my SuSE Linux 11.1. I am running 5 BOINC projects plus LHC when it wakes up.
My CPU is an Opteron 1210 at 1.8 GHz running 24/7. I always meet deadlines and have many pending credits in SETI, few in Einstein.Graphics run fine in Einstein and QMC, less so in CPDN, no in SETI optimized version which I use.
I do not understand why Linux users do not follow these simple steps.
Hi Kathryn, Thanks for the
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for the tip. I looked there and used information to do so. However I don’t understand things about the root of Linux. I don’t have access to it; however it is my own pc and have it installed myself.
Links to the web pages of the project are not working and I don’t have the option of letting BOINC know to use only 3 cores.
I think the problem is myself, I thought I install Linux and use it right the way for Einstein. However I have to learn Linux first, at least to know its basics and then try again. I have ordered a book at Amazon to help me.
However when such a lot off Linux users at the project, I thought someone has written a sort of installer program (as in Windows) that ask a few questions and then with a few clicks it runs. There was package in my Ubuntu version but this is an old one with fewer options to set and graphics and links not working. I go studying.
Greetings from
Just to learn how to install
Just to learn how to install BOINC and an app without the use of a BOINC manager I just installed SET@home enhanced and SETI astropulse 5.03 on a Solaris OS running as a guest on my Linux box. I downloaded the BOINC client from a developer called Dotsch and installed it. Got it running after a few mistakes, Then I downloaded first the SETI@home 6.03 app and installed it. Got its first result uploaded and validated. Then I downloaded the 5.03 Astropulse app and installed it. Had to edit the app_info.xml file of the SETI and Astropulse since it pointed to an earlier release of the SETI app. Now things seem to be working. Of course the apps run slower than on Linux since they have to pass through the virtualisation software (VirtualBox). But I like doing things via command line, even when I make mistakes.
For mysterious reasons, the Gnome GUI on the virtual machine works only for the root user. I start it as root, then open a terminal, telnet localhost and login as tullio, then start working as tullio, I never connect to the Internet as root.
I see those are written more
I see those are written more from a non-Debian based perspective.
You can use sudo to get root access.
So if you wanted to do the first step of adding a new user (which you could also do through the GUI, although I couldn't tell you where) you'd do
sudo useradd -d /var/lib/boinc boinc
It should then prompt you for your password.
Linux really isn't so bad once you understand the rationale for doing things the *nix way.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
RE: I see those are written
Yes, better to add -g group, where group is the users group to which user boinc belongs. On the Solaris virtual machine my user name is tullio my group is seti,