You're all going at it the wrong way. If you got the bug reference, which really isn't a bug at all, then you might figure out the number.
At any rate, I'm not going to award an early win to whoever figures it out and posts like sometimes happens. If you happen to get it, you'll just have to compete to be the correct number post.
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
Would I be on the right track if I looked for a Bugs Bunny reference? Trouble is, there's so much video of him mumbling about this and that, that coming up with a specific number would be rather difficult.
I will contribute a number too then...159, it was my badge number when I was working as a f/f a LONG time ago now!! It is also the only numbers, other than expiration date related ones, on my license plate.
I'd be very surprised if
35 Dyscalculic is, or could be, 53. Izmir, and Rize respectively, in terms of license plates? ;-)
Isn't it really insect
Isn't it really insect zombies? Where the parasite takes over the brain?
Or does he mean bugs in code from the coder's dyslexia ?
Jonathan is
Jonathan is overanalyzing.
No. Closer.
On the right track, but I still don't think you'll get it without reading my mind.
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
David S wrote:Jonathan is
Must be 42, or rather 24...the ultimate answer.
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
This doesn't involve the
This doesn't involve the number sixty-five does it?
No to you both. You're all
No to you both.
You're all going at it the wrong way. If you got the bug reference, which really isn't a bug at all, then you might figure out the number.
At any rate, I'm not going to award an early win to whoever figures it out and posts like sometimes happens. If you happen to get it, you'll just have to compete to be the correct number post.
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
So it is a number, but
So it is a number, but mentioning it won't grant us victory. We will need to make sure to get that post number to be ours.
But double posts are invalid to winning.
So if someone happens to create a double post at the right post count, this thread won't have a winner.
To bad that mentioning the number won't grant victory. Else I would now have listed all numbers below 10k.
Rather simple to generate a list of numbers.
And I'm guessing the number is not 37 as then this would have been a rather short TLPTPW. Probably somewhere between 100 and 200.
It might just be Donald ducks license plate, 131, or was that 313?
Would I be on the right track
Would I be on the right track if I looked for a Bugs Bunny reference? Trouble is, there's so much video of him mumbling about this and that, that coming up with a specific number would be rather difficult.
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
I will contribute a number
I will contribute a number too then...159, it was my badge number when I was working as a f/f a LONG time ago now!! It is also the only numbers, other than expiration date related ones, on my license plate.
But how would that number be
But how would that number be related to a bug?