Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

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hmm... I'm used to seit's


I'm used to seit's server being down, not Einstein's......

This is a new one for me..

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RE: ?? there's a doctor


?? there's a doctor around here ?? Where ? :-)

Cheers, Mike.

Last I heard Mike was still practicing. One of these days he'll graduate...


I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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Looks like Seti and Boinc are

Looks like Seti and Boinc are both down....

David S
David S
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RE: Looks like Seti and

Looks like Seti and Boinc are both down....

I can't even get a response from just plain Did the whole state burn down?

(Well, I guess now I have a good excuse for not posting a new word jumble at Seti.)


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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RE: RE: Looks like Seti

Looks like Seti and Boinc are both down....

I can't even get a response from just plain Did the whole state burn down?

(Well, I guess now I have a good excuse for not posting a new word jumble at Seti.)


Unscheduled Outage Campus Network
Posted by CSS IT ~az
On 9/18/2015 at 8:01 pm PST
Modified on 9/18/2015 at 9:21 pm PST
Modified by Randstad ~ ma
Posted in Unscheduled Outage

Date Submitted: Friday, September 18, 2015
Outage Start/End Time: 1930 – TBD
Groups Impacted: Campus
Equipment:Campus Network


UPDATE: Friday 09/19/2015 21:18: There was a fire in the data center. Extent is not known at this time. Steve Aguirre is on-site and actively working on the issue(s). ETA unknown at this time.

The CSS-IT Service Desk is receiving reports that internet connectivity has been interrupted for multiple applications, users, and locations across campus.

IST is working to identify the root cause and resolve the issue.

No ETA is available at this time.


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Oh my :( That's not good

Oh my :( That's not good news.

Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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RE: Oh my :( That's not

Oh my :( That's not good news.

I know. We'll likely find it was in the Seti equipment rack when the work unit from the terrible ET was split and ran the burn computer virus. ;)

I hope all people are okay. I hope all data for everything in the data center is backed up.

I know something like this could take a couple of weeks to sort as equipment will have to be ordered and delivered to replace anything damaged and that is if the building is structurally sound. That could be everything from AC mains to routers and network cable to flooring and light fixtures. Smoke damage can be nasty to equipment and cooling fans suck it in.

As we have no more information right now and likely there won't be anything else of serious substance posted until the regular Campus work crew reports on Monday and can do a complete survey of the damage, which hopefully is not extensive.

Oh, and I hope the Seti gear would be covered by some kind of insurance for fire, otherwise ........

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: UPDATE: Friday

UPDATE: Friday 09/19/2015 21:18: There was a fire in the data center. Extent is not known at this time. Steve Aguirre is on-site and actively working on the issue(s). ETA unknown at this time.

Oh hells bells !!! It could be anything from smoke damage to melted eqipment. We won't know until further reports. But a main colo for the whole Berkeley campus is unlikely not to have an CO2 fire extinguishing system of some sort.

SETI@Home Production offline
since 2015-09-19 02:00:22

Seems to have gone off air at 2am Sunday morning UK time. It's midnight their time on Saturday now, so doubt much will happen until 8am local time Monday at Berkeley, which is 4pm UK time Monday afternoon. Unless of course they bring an Emergency team in to work on Sundays.

But as always there are other worthwhile BOINC Projects to crunch in the meantime, such as this one, if you run out of Seti work.

I can't wait for 2016, this year has been a bitch for so many reasons .....

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Chris S
Chris S
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Ok, my mistake reverse 24

Ok, my mistake reverse 24 hours!!!

Seems to have gone off air at 2am Saturday morning UK time. It's midnight their time on Friday now, so doubt much will happen until 8am local time Monday at Berkeley, which is 4pm UK time Monday afternoon. Unless of course they bring an Emergency team in to work over the weekend.

Sorry :-(

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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UPDATE: Friday 09/18/2015 21:44: Most IT systems are currently down due to an overheating issue in the data center. Any system requiring CalNet authentication is also unavailable. We are working quickly to assess the impact of this event. The assessment is expected to begin at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday 9/19. Once our assessment is complete we will post additional information on the restoration of all systems.

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