Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein

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LOL, that is a great one

LOL, that is a great one Mike...

Think I'll take your advice and sit on the patio ;)


getting the "man-cave" ready for the season. Here's a photo from last year

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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Had a little issue in the

Had a little issue in the beer area ...

Don't worry, we'll get it fixed up soon.

Joined: 26 Nov 13
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RE: Had a little issue in

Had a little issue in the beer area ...

Don't worry, we'll get it fixed up soon.

The Humanity!!!!!

David S
David S
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RE: RE: Gee, it's been a

Gee, it's been a quiet week in here.

{ .... drags snot-ridden brain to level of bar top, applies jumper cables to temples from deep discharge main battle tank battery, glorious spray of sparks, ceiling lights flicker, minor hair fire ... }

Hey. Hello ..... who said that ?

Barkeep, can I have a Long Island ice tea? Make it a double.

[BLEARY EYED STUPOR] A what ??? :-) :-)

Have to look up the cocktail book .... it'll be in here somewhere .... Rhode Island Rude Rooster ... Catalina Island Catastrophe .... Bermuda Quadrangle ...

Ah hah! That was it! I didn't really want a LIIT, I just couldn't think of the name Bahama Mama. Bermuda Quadrangle was close enough to remind me. Make it a triple. (I do like these other names, though.)


Poughkeepsie Petrolhead .... Cape Schanck Shank .... aha ....

No sweat. Knew that one all along ( ahem ).

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Why do I have a Never Ending Story dragon on my head ?

A tattoo or an actual dragon?


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: LOL, that is a great


LOL, that is a great one Mike...

Think I'll take your advice and sit on the patio ;)


getting the "man-cave" ready for the season. Here's a photo from last year

Nice ! It appears that you have a 'different' angle view on the
smaller screens.


PS: Mike's story was great lol ! That, and the one where they subpoenaed him mistakenly !

Chris S
Chris S
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Does our bar here have a

Does our bar here have a smoke alarm?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: Does our bar here have

Does our bar here have a smoke alarm?

I don't believe so. We avoid bylaws and OH&S wherever possible .... You may light something up if you please, though preferably not a fellow patron or the furniture. :-)

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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RE: PS: Mike's story was

PS: Mike's story was great lol ! That, and the one where they subpoenaed him mistakenly !

He's definitely angling for a spot on The Weekly. He's honing his skills for the next 'subpoena' - when Charlie & Co need more stuff :-).

He figures it's bound to happen sometime soon :-).


Joined: 6 Feb 14
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RE: RE: PS: Mike's story

PS: Mike's story was great lol ! That, and the one where they subpoenaed him mistakenly !

He's definitely angling for a spot on The Weekly. He's honing his skills for the next 'subpoena' - when Charlie & Co need more stuff :-).

He figures it's bound to happen sometime soon :-).


ohhhhhh... my....

*cast awe-struck eyes over Gary's little issue*

People just don't understand how to approach my piles ...

oh yes... oh good one anniet! That's not going to get misinterpreted now is it! ...what I MEAN is my stacking. *elevate nose to disparagings of all disparagings angle*

Incantations people! And lots of calm "please-stay-please-stay" frantic wavings of hands...

Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
Joined: 13 Jun 06
Posts: 2128
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RAC: 9886

RE: *cast awe-struck eyes

*cast awe-struck eyes over Gary's little issue*

Happy to report they are back in operation if you need a few pallets of your favorite brew.

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