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tullio commented on LHC News
If LHC works in 2010 and 2011 it will get so many data that even the Grid will be unable to process. So a stop is not such...
10th March 2010
tullio commented on Mars Express
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is discovering more ice on Mars covered by rock debris thanks to its Italian built Sharad...
3rd March 2010
tullio commented on What we process
Quote:Could this be last year's January edition? This debate was pretty hot last year but I haven't heart much of it...
2nd March 2010
tullio commented on What we process
On the 15 January issue of New Scientist there is an article "Our world might be a giant hologram", which I don't link...
28th February 2010
tullio commented on LHC News
Quote:Thanks for the link, tullio. I like this line: "Lyn Evans, who oversaw the LHC from 1994 to 2009, says that the...
28th February 2010