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I've read that it was John von Neumann who suggested to Claude Shannon the term "entropy" for a quantity in his theory of...
7th February 2010
Quote:Quote: The LHC, Higgs or no Higgs, won't be saving string theory. Cheers, Mike. I read somewhere ( probably...
3rd February 2010
Quote:Have gravity-waves been detected by the LIGO antennas? I guess what I'm asking is there now a direct...
23rd January 2010
I am finally running ABP2 units on my Linux box, an Opteron 1210 at 1.8 GHz with SuSE Linux 11.1 and BOINC 6,6.41. It took...
23rd January 2010
Quote: It's stated that there's no violation of special relativity when it comes to a pulse's group velocity being...
22nd January 2010