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I am getting 19 credits/hour on S5R6 and 14 credits/hour (round figures) on GCE. This on an Opteron 1210 running SuSE...
24th March 2010
tullio commented on Sterile neutrino
AS an afterthought, Pauli was indeed the first to advance the idea of a neutral particle to conserve energy and momentum...
23rd March 2010
tullio commented on Sterile neutrino
Quote:Quote:The neutrino: who ordered that? I think Wolfgang Pauli made the comment. Tullio I don't want to nit-pick...
22nd March 2010
tullio commented on Sterile neutrino
The neutrino: who ordered that? I think Wolfgang Pauli made the comment. Tullio
22nd March 2010
tullio commented on Sterile neutrino
Quote:They want $8 for that one article??? Wow. I got it for free, I don't know why.I have no paid subscription....
22nd March 2010