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A thought for the café :)
5th July 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:Well, out of sheer boredom, I just took a quick look at it. However, I'm not sure what your x and z mean. If x...
5th July 2016
Quote:Awwwww :) :) I see your Awwwwww and I raise you one :) Quote:No wonder there is a...
4th July 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
AerimfirgSnort - a snort snorted inopportunely. Often during a sudden silence or lull in background noise...
2nd July 2016
Potato salad is better made from older potatoes I've found, and meringues with older egg whites. When I first started...
2nd July 2016