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anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:I warn you now. I have the paper squares out ! I see. These all have zero correct, Mike. The group...
7th July 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
These are your letters. They've come from a word I just jumbled specially for you :) A A E E G I M N N R One of them...
6th July 2016
Quote:I'm back from the road trip. Did you miss me? Yes we did :) Is your brother all moved in now?
6th July 2016
Quote:To be fair Annie, the bank may not know that your son is autistic Oh they did know, because they were told...
6th July 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:Ah. Yes. Quite correctly-ectedly you have deducedsty-woosty my lurking-ness to once againy-wenny lunge-pop for...
6th July 2016