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anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
MossifiedMorphf - a kind of fuzzy logic thing that occurs after doing a calculation and things going wrong during it....
24th June 2016
Quote:Every time that AnnieT talks about basements I keep thinking of this beer advert... for BMW's and tortoises...
21st June 2016
*kuchipudi into thread* which one needs that then? My only problem when learning this one was when it got to a vase of...
21st June 2016
*dishevelled state of mild alarm* I can't seem to rotate my right hand anti-clockwise when my right foot is rotating...
21st June 2016
@Chris Oh I do know, don't worry :) and my pusscats aren't allowed out at this time of year because of all the baby birds...
21st June 2016