Plotting eh? Hmmm.....
Plotting eh?
Yes...I'm plotting a plot to get all you got!...Or at least enough cash to buy a new adapter cord.
Counting down to 39...
Countdown to 39 stopped. I am 39 now.
No one is actually 39...You must be at least 80 by now.
Congratulations! Hope you have a nice time with your family/friends.
С Новым Годом!
Quote:Countdown to 39 stopped. I am 39 now. No one is actually 39...You must be at least 80 by now.
Then I was 39 once... but thanks for the vote of confidence. D'oh.
Thanks Dirk, you know how it should be done.
(/me puts Dan on ignore... ;-))
Have a good 39 day, and the rest of your life.
I am plotting to ...
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
Such a young whippersnapper...
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
I almost forgot...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JORD!
DITTO ... Jord
RE: Plotting
Yes...I'm plotting a plot to get all you got!...Or at least enough cash to buy a new adapter cord.
Counting down to 39...
Counting down to 39...
Countdown to 39 stopped. I am
Countdown to 39 stopped. I am 39 now.
RE: Countdown to 39
No one is actually 39...You must be at least 80 by now.
RE: Countdown to 39
Congratulations! Hope you have a nice time with your family/friends.
RE: RE: Countdown to 39
Then I was 39 once... but thanks for the vote of confidence. D'oh.
Thanks Dirk, you know how it should be done.
(/me puts Dan on ignore... ;-))
Have a good 39 day, and the
Have a good 39 day, and the rest of your life.
I am plotting to ...
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
Such a young
Such a young whippersnapper...
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold
I almost forgot...HAPPY
I almost forgot...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JORD!
DITTO ... Jord
DITTO ... Jord
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!