Uncle Albert's Cafe and Ǽ-Theory Bistro

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RE: Hopefully Rod will

Message 65288 in response to message 65287

Hopefully Rod will report in soon that all is well and that the "all clear" has been sounded.

It is all clear... winds are diminishing should be over by noon.. Its track was a little farther west then predicted and it turn out to be a modest wind event for us. The bridge to the mainland is still closed and some communities up west lost power with tree branches touching power lines. I heard this awful crack through the night at its peak but checked around the house and no major tree branches are down..
Shelburn county in Nova Scotia was hit the hardest with about 4000 customers without power and some minor flooding due to storm surge.. New Brunswick seem to get off without any major damage..

I can give the all clear.. Bridge should be opened by noon Maritime Electric has restored power to all Island residents and thank you everybody for your concern

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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RE: RE: Hopefully Rod

Message 65289 in response to message 65288

Hopefully Rod will report in soon that all is well and that the "all clear" has been sounded.

It is all clear... winds are diminishing should be over by noon.. Its track was a little farther west then predicted and it turn out to be a modest wind event for us. The bridge to the mainland is still closed and some communities up west lost power with tree branches touching power lines. I heard this awful crack through the night at its peak but checked around the house and no major tree branches are down..
Shelburn county in Nova Scotia was hit the hardest with about 4000 customers without power and some minor flooding due to storm surge.. New Brunswick seem to get off without any major damage..

I can give the all clear.. Bridge should be opened by noon Maritime Electric has restored power to all Island residents and thank you everybody for your concern

Good to hear!...Now back to the serious crunching at hand.

H-Al 1 pint
H-Al 1 pint
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arrrrr Yo Dan.


Yo Dan.

Son of a BIT!

John Clark
John Clark
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Hello there Al!

Hello there Al!

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

H-Al 1 pint
H-Al 1 pint
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RE: Hello there Al! Hi

Message 65292 in response to message 65291

Hello there Al!

Hi there Sir.John!

You doing good these days i hope.

Son of a BIT!

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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Yo Al!...Yo John!...And a

Yo Al!...Yo John!...And a fine evening to you both.

John Clark
John Clark
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I'm doing good both of you,

I'm doing good both of you, so I hope you are found to be the same.

Nasty rainy day forecast all day, but dull and damp ATM.

Needs a mug of Java to sort things out and then see if I can go into the countryside for a hour or so,

Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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GoodMorningAfternoonNight to

GoodMorningAfternoonNight to John...Al...and Rod...Tuesday is hammering away relentlessly.

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Good Afternoon Dan.. Just

Good Afternoon Dan.. Just doing a little cleanup of the mess left by Kyle..

There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot. - Aldo Leopold

Daniel Michel
Daniel Michel
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RE: Good Afternoon Dan..

Message 65297 in response to message 65296

Good Afternoon Dan.. Just doing a little cleanup of the mess left by Kyle..

What kind of mess was left behind by the storm?

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