TLPTPW 45 - Waiting for the end of the snow and ice.

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Topic 214058

Simple rules:
- Post in this thread, anything with legible words (ie one word posts don't count)
- Stay within the message board rules
- Empty posts are invalid towards winning
- You must wait for someone else to post before you can post again, any and all multiple posts are invalid towards winning and incur fines to be paid in virtual drinks at the Bar & Bistro.
- Have FUN

Rules Subject to change at moderators discretion without notice.

The winner will be the last person that posted, when I have time to check the thread, after one of these events:
1 - A specific date and/or time occurs
2 - A specific number of posts have been made
3 - I get tired of ya'll nagging me who is the winner :)
4 - An event I have chosen occurs (doesn't occur)

Sorry there are no physical prizes, only the satisfaction you played and won.


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I hope I got this right.

I hope I got this right. Still hungover from celebrating the great six nations grand slam on  St Paddy's day.


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My other half predicted an

My other half predicted an Ireland win. He also said it would be deserved ... and he was right :) And with it happening on St Patrick's day, and you also winning the thread... I'm not sure if it's possible to make a congratulations big enough, but I will do what I can...




There we go :)

Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

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Congratulations Kavanagh on

Congratulations Kavanagh on your WIN!!!

Right now I am winning this game though!!

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Right now I am winning this

Right now I am winning this game though

Is that in your head, Mikey? Out here atop the winner's podium in my head *pose for press* ... all the signs are pointing at me. Which if everyone stops to think about - would make me the winner. Yes :)


[blast from past]

Annie your blinking or blushing doesn't address why SEVEN came out, one of two maybe but SEVEN!!??

It's most easily explained, Mikey, in diagram form, which I have here but which the internet doesn't want me to upload. I suppose it could be being mistaken for some top secret blueprint of something it isn't - but as it isn't - I will try again later.


Sometimes I think I'm talking to myself.

I don't think you were, Kathryn. I know I do but I also know - after extensive field research - that Unintentional-lurking syndrome affects up to 90 percent of us at any one time.


Unintentional-lurking syndrome - a forum malaise induced by kitchen concoctions such as batches of cream puffs, suddenly hoving into existence in a sentence. Before even the first punctuation mark is reached - the now former reader begins scavenging their environment for something similar to that which has been imprinted onto their frontal lobes. From this point, the condition can escalate in a number of ways:

  1. Once distracted, people can forget to return, fall over inebriated, or succumb to deep depression contemplating the last half-eaten biscuit in the packet that was licked by the cat.
  2. For those that do return sated, fingers stuck to the keyboard/mouse, or sliding about on them, produce unintelligible gobbledygook which they are then too embarrassed to post. {anniet note: Obviously, not everyone is embarrassed that easily, no ... but a lot are ...}
  3. Unsated sufferers returning hungry will begin wasting away at a psychosomatic-speed that if measureable would be, well... very very fast,  and within moments will get their now weak, spindly fingers trapped between the keys - making it impossible for them to say anything much at all



Yes, we need more Annie.

Apart from my voice, which could be anywhere, the rest of me got here as soon as I could because I missed you all too :)

[/blast] Speaking of which...

...will be done in a different thread I think, but after making the cup of tea for my other half, that I half-promised to make ten minutes ago.

Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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Understand congratulations

Understand congratulations are in order for Kavanagh

Annie, I don't see you on the winners platform.  What happened?  Did the pie tosser run after the cream puffs?


MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Nice beard new owner of the

Nice beard new owner of the thread



Ok wth is the trick to reading the stats page here on this new version website?

I either get the top 100 or the bottom 100 who have nothing but zeros

I wouldn't mind seeing the Top 200 since I think that is where I am these days.

.......I'll be back in a couple days......I think

(going to the hospital in the morning for the fun of the "nuclear stress test" ..........maybe that is to see if I caught something from the Cern LHC Wink )


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MAGIC Quantum Mechanic

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic wrote:

Nice beard new owner of the thread



Ok wth is the trick to reading the stats page here on this new version website?

I either get the top 100 or the bottom 100 who have nothing but zeros

I wouldn't mind seeing the Top 200 since I think that is where I am these days.

.......I'll be back in a couple days......I think

(going to the hospital in the morning for the fun of the "nuclear stress test" ..........maybe that is to see if I caught something from the Cern LHC Wink ) 

I have no idea on the stats, they are beyond me too!

BUT I've had one of the tests you are going for, my advice is to get comfy as you will in one position a LONG time as the machine moves all around you taking multiple pictures. The 2nd part of the test is no different except there is no 'exercise' leading up to it, they are looking for any residual nuke stuff meaning possible blockages so more of the multiple pictures of the same area.

Annie I am NOW winning AGAIN!!!

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Happy equinox. Except it's

Happy equinox. Except it's not. Something to do with refracted sunlight at dawn and dusk.


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Kavanagh wrote:Happy equinox.

Kavanagh wrote:
Happy equinox. Except it's not. Something to do with refracted sunlight at dawn and dusk.

We have sunlight but no "Sun" this morning, it's an old fashioned cats and dogs coming down rainstorm!! Fortunately the actual storm center is about 8 miles off the Coast so mostly just rain for me, a little bit of wind but nothing special.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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If the forecast is to be

If the forecast is to be believed the storm comes in at lunch time and sticks around for a day and a half and leaves 1/2 foot of liquid.

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