Simple rules:
- Post in this thread, anything with legible words (ie one word posts don't count)
- Stay within the message board rules
- Empty posts are invalid towards winning
- You must wait for someone else to post before you can post again, any and all multiple posts are invalid towards winning and incur fines to be paid in virtual drinks at the Bar & Bistro.
- Have FUN
Rules Subject to change at moderators discretion without notice.
The winner will be the last person that posted, when I have time to check the thread, after one of these events:
1 - A specific date and/or time occurs
2 - A specific number of posts have been made
3 - I get tired of ya'll nagging me who is the winner :)
4 - An event I have chosen occurs (doesn't occur)
Sorry there are no physical prizes, only the satisfaction you played and won.
And as moderator, I can change the rules at any time. Mostly to make myself the permanent winner..
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Getting up and ready for work
Getting up and ready for work this morning was more like a Zombie than my usual self.
Claiming the first WIN!!!
Seti Classic Final Total: 11446 WU.
I could tell you about how
I could tell you about how this week has started but the moderators have limits on how many different cuss words you can use in a single post. And that part doesn't have anything to do with the time change which is a PITH. Yes H not A, especially with lingering sinus.
Just a hint, offer a job and they don't show up ... was it because I said I-9?
CONGRATULATIONS Kathryn on your win of the last game, I TOTALLY missed that notice!!
Gary. So sorry to hear about
Gary. So sorry to hear about you crappy (ex) employee.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
I TOTALLY missed that
:) Awwwwwwww... when communicating, I emit too much white noise, Mikey. I do. It's like my brain... leaks... babble or something.
That's the kind of thing, Gary, that diabolicicises more than just one day of a week, but a whole cascade of them. Often one after another.
I'd hoped this week wouldn't be as bad as last week.
And it isn't. It's worse.
Maybe you made the same mistake...
Yes I will demonstrate how fast I can walk backwards out of a thread, if you insist yes... and No I know you didn't need any of that pointed out just at this moment ...
there were seven, Kathryn... cuss least... yes... possibly more. It's difficult to know for sure because I lost count after one...
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
KSMarksPsych wrote:Gary. So
Yep. Actually that was number 4. 2 of them got better offers, 1 decided it would be too hot and the last I guess wasn't looking for work after all.
As to prospects, I have 2 ganster types I really don't want to call, 1 who used to work next door - they fired him when he started drinking, and a bunch who haven't held a job longer than a couple months. Several others didn't bother to show up for interviews ...
Gary Charpentier
That sounds far harder than it should be!! Someone offers a job, someone takes it...what the heck is the problem with people these days!! My son is the same way looking for a job, he wants to start at the top of the pay scale so he can have a 'future' with the new job, and pay his rent health care etc etc, as opposed to where he is now, yet doesn't want to start at the bottom of the ladder and work his way up.
mikey wrote:Annie...SEVEN
*culpable blink* A none must have exaggerated itself into a seven, Mikey. It could have happened to anyone.
it could.
Hope you find someone reliable soon, Gary.
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
Bacon is on the stove and I
Bacon is on the stove and I want some.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
Doubling up for Happy Pi Day.
Doubling up for Happy Pi Day.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator