Volunteers whose computers discover new pulsars receive framed certificates of appreciation. The latest batch is just being sent out! Here is a photo of one certificate and here is a photo of the boxes ready to ship to our vounteers.
Bruce Allen
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Discovery Certificates
That's great, such programs keep people Einstein@Home running and motivate new supporters! However, please keep the costs low in order to fund important research. After all, we are on the edge of significant new discoveries in physics!
!!!!!!!!!!!!GO SPACEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good news.
Good news.
Кто людям помогает, тот тратит время зря.
Хорошими делами, прославиться нельзя.
Hi Bruce, reserve one
Hi Bruce, reserve one certificate for me please ;)
Very cool that you send out
Very cool that you send out such beautifully framed certs! I hope to be one of the lucky people to find a new pulsar some day.
The certificates are a nice
The certificates are a nice idea for some. But how are you sending out certificates when you don't have our addresses? I take it an email conversation about discovering a pulsar happens 1st?
Just wondering about site security as would not want Einstein storing my name and mailing address.
Great moi je trouve que
moi je trouve que c'est une très bonne idée
et félicitation aux découvreurs
J'aimerais bien avoir cette chance
Luc from QC Canada
RE: The certificates are a
Indeed, personal e-mail contact is established first, not just for sending the certificate but also to seek permission to mention the real name and include this in publications.
RE: The certificates are a
Yes, you are correct about the email conversation. When a volunteer's computer discovers a new pulsar, I write to that volunteer and ask for the information. Most volunteers provide it, though some prefer to remain anonymous. In any case, this personal data is not stored on the Einstein@Home system.
Director, Einstein@Home
Curious why Fed/Ex and not
Curious why Fed/Ex and not USPS?
RE: Curious why Fed/Ex and
Those certificates are sent from the Albert-Einstein-Institute in Hannover, Germany, to volunteers all over the planet (e.g. see the announcement about the latest pulsar discoveries).
How do we know if we have
How do we know if we have found one?
These are cool, probably
These are cool, probably better than the toaster I'm trying to get over at SETI.
RE: Volunteers whose
Thank you for taking the time to put these very nicely framed certificates together. :)
I needed no incentive to
I needed no incentive to donate my time, but now I'm determined to find a pulsar. Go quad-core go!
Certainly volunteers whose
Certainly volunteers whose computers 'found' a pulsar are first contacted via eMail (by Bruce), on whether we could publish their real names and for a postal address we could send the certificate to. We never got any denial, but in a few cases got no reply at all. In these cases we leave it at the Einstein@Home "user names" (on the discovery web pages).
Fantastic gesture, but :(
Fantastic gesture, but :(
May be null result so far ----
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.
Do intermittent/nulling
Do intermittent/nulling pulsars count in this list?
RE: Do intermittent/nulling
Yes, as you can see here: http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/radiopulsar/html/PMPS_discoveries/ some of the discovered pulsars belong to that class. Of course their discoverers will receive certificates just like the others, if their addresses are made available.
RE: RE: Do
Ok thank you! I haven't received any emails about it though, I did discover an intermittent one.
Well, there is a "Joe" listed
Well, there is a "Joe" listed for "J1952+25" on the Arecibo page, but that one has a different userid (42288) and not posted yet. "Joe" is probably not that rare a name.
Hm yes that is from my home
Hm yes that is from my home user account, let me see if i can log in as that one...
This is a wonderful thing to
This is a wonderful thing to give some tangible recognition to the contributor whose computer 'discovers' a new radio pulsar. Very thoughtful, indeed! I'm sure everyone really appreciates the chance to contribute to the progress of science. This recognition is the added plum! Thank you for being so thoughtful.
it would be possible for
it would be possible for discoverer to choose the name for the pulsar?? :)
It's sad that chinese
It's sad that chinese volunteers can't see this certificate without using proxy or VPN……So consider paste the image here?
RE: it would be possible
Unfortunately this is not possible, as there is a fixed naming scheme for pulsars, derived from their celestial coordinates.
AFAIK the only astronomical bodies that can be given official names by their discoverers are asteroids. Comets get their names from the names of their discoverers, which isn't bad either. If a new planet was discovered in our solar system (highly unlikely with the current definition of planetary status), the discoverer could probably have a chance to name it as well, but would be constrained to ancient Roman and Greek mythology for inspiration.
This is a really nice
This is a really nice touch!!!
It makes me feel that I should buy some extra GPUs ... LOL
RE: Curious why Fed/Ex and
The certificates are being sent from Germany, not from the USA!
Director, Einstein@Home
Very cool. Looks like I'll
Very cool. Looks like I'll need to spend more time here.:-)
RE: Very cool. Looks like
If you aren't careful you will get hooked here and never escape this event horizon......which may explain me being here at 4am
Do you ship to indonesia? and
Do you ship to indonesia? and also, i am 14 years old, and i know almost nothing about radio pulsars... So how do i detect one? :P Please help... :D
RE: Do you ship to
Sure, I guess we ship to all places that can be reached by FedEx or any of the other services (hmm....I'm not sure what would happen if someone on board the ISS would find one, tho). We have participants from all over the world.
All you have to do is join E@H (which you obviously did already) and allow your PC(s) to download and crunch data from time to time. I see here:
http://einsteinathome.org/account/114203/computers that your computers are already busy crunching E@H task, so all is fine. With a bit of luck, your PC will discover something. Of course many others are trying as well, but I guess it's fair to say that the chances of making a discovery at E@H are considerably higher than winning a huge amount of money in a major lottery :-)
Thanks for your participation and
Good luck
RE: but I guess it's fair
And simply winning a lottery won't get you a nice certificate!
Thanks... :D I will spend my
Thanks... :D I will spend my time on it... worth it i guess ;)
i am new here.... idk what to
i am new here.... idk what to do with the software... do i just leave it alone and keep it running? or do i have to analyze the data? cause that would be cool, or will my computer do all the work and send it to the site and see if they found a new pulsar? sorry, but i dont know anything about it.... do i just leave my laptop to do all the analyzing???
Thank you[/i]
I'm new myself here but I
I'm new myself here but I think I can help you out on that. As long as your computer is on, BOINC is running and depending on your prefences set for this project, you should be all set. In BOINC, just click on View/advanced then check the task tab. It will show what WU's you have downloaded, currently working on, and at what %WU's they are at. I would suggest if you wish to run it while you are away, that you set you screen to go into power saving shut off mode and you disable the boinc screensaver. If you intend it to only run while you are using the computer, then you will need to adjust the prefences according to what you prefer it uses of your cpu during other tasks.
I saw this as a great way to help a good cause on a custom built Shuttle computer that just sits there silently alot of the time. So I have set it to run 90% whenever I'm at work or busy otherwise.
I Hope I was able to help you, feel free to ask more questions and Thank You for support of Einstein@Home!
Yup, just let the computer do
Yup, just let the computer do the work! It'll send back results for further analysis. You see, we are part of a pipeline. We do the bulk of the computational work.
Cheers, Mike.
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Hello Bruce; do know how do i
Hello Bruce; do know how do i get a copy of my certificate for SETI@home..
i hope to get a copy, thank you
Helen Hinkley
RE: Hello Bruce; do know
I think this is a question that is best asked in the SETI@HOME Forum. Other than using the same framework for work distribution and result collection (BOINC), Einstein@Home and SETI@Home are completely unrelated projects.
Hiya! If we discover a
If we discover a Pulsar, do we get to name it?
Ollie :)
Bikeman answers this about
Bikeman answers this about half way through this thread. There is a fixed naming scheme for pulsars, so unfortunately not.
Thanks for the information! I
Thanks for the information! I don't suppose anyone could calculate the odds of finding a Pulsar per 1000 total credit using the information obtained thus far? A post above mentions it's easier than winning the lottery (thank Newton) haha but I was just wondering about my odds of discovering one - I've got 100,000 total credit so far since 19th Oct 2011 (across 8 projects, but now my processing is 100% Einstein.phys!)...
I live in hope...
RE: I don't suppose anyone
Back of the Envelope: The Server Status page lists "Granted credit / 100 (from successful tasks last week)" 1,556,130 for BRP4; this makes roughly 150 Mio credits per week for BRP4. In 2012 we had a new discovery every week (delayed by a few months for prost-processing, confirmation, re-observation etc.), each with two "winners". This makes a chance of 2 / 150,000,000 or 1 / 75,000,000. Thus per 1000 credit the chance is roughly 1 / 75,000.
Warning: This is a very rough calculation, that puts in relation nowadays credit (processing rate) with a discovery rate coming of results of half a year ago, with different data (sky area) that we are shipping now. Don't count on it too much.
Gday folks, Any word on
Gday folks,
Any word on when the certificates are being shipped out?
Im dying to see mine and have a place on the wall reserved for it right next to the computers :)
Hi Darren, your
Hi Darren,
your certificate should've been shipped with the most recent batch. I'm not quite sure how long it's going to take from Germany to your place but I hope it arrive soon. We could also try to figure out where it currently is with the package's tracking number.
Einstein@Home Project
Hi Ben Cheers for looking.
Hi Ben
Cheers for looking. Im just dying to hang it on the wall :)
Madly hoping for a set of 4 to really fill the bare spot on the wall lol :)
I am excited to be ranked at
I am excited to be ranked at 30,316 on daily average and 330,293 total average. Is there away to do more? I have it on standard settings. 100% dedicated to this project. I want a certificate! No I am excited to contribute and I am just happy to be apart of it. Would be nice to have the Screen saver somewhere say what it is scanning noticeably on screen slow pulsing, just to show it off. Just as a suggestion. Anyway Nice to meet everyone. I am a video game designer and just love this stuff.
It is awesome isnt it :) I
It is awesome isnt it :)
I cant seem to crack the top 50 tho :(
The missus keeps going silly at me for having the noise from multiple computers running all the time...
She looked at me with divorce in her eyes when I said I wanted to build a Beowulf style cluster...
This is a great project to be a part of and actually finding a pulsar and getting a nice certificate is the icing on the cake.
To get more output I tried tweaking settings alot but in the end it seems simpler to just add more machines and GPUs.
RE: I am excited to be
Welcome. :)
You can also crunch on your GPU since there is an ATI/AMD OpenCL application available. Take a look here:
Much thanks to Bruce, Ben and
Much thanks to Bruce, Ben and the rest of the Einstein@home crew for the awesome certificate that turned up today :)
Hey, Darren, awesome! I
Hey, Darren,
awesome! I was getting a bit worried, too, that the parcel might have been lost in transit somewhere. Thanks again for supporting Einstein@Home, enjoy your certificate! And, who knows, maybe there's a second certificate for another discovery in it for you :-)
Einstein@Home Project