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Quote: I think any new theory should include Einstein's GR, as this included...
22nd February 2007
Quote: Known issue, error is harmless. DO NOT RESET. What is happening is something is interrupting BOINC for more...
20th February 2007
On a SuSE Linux 10.1 BOINC 5.8.8 worked beautifully. Since switching to 5.8.11, as suggested, I get an error message such...
20th February 2007
Quote:If you know of a worthwhile program that's up and running smoothly let me know. :-) F. Prefect I suggest...
18th February 2007
Quote:In the Lagrange/Hamiltonian abstraction of Newtonian physics the basic Newtonian concepts of force, acceleration...
18th February 2007