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Quote:I need two hires (300dpi) images of the following: LIGO schematic diagram, the one you see all the time showing...
15th September 2008
Quote:Quote:I always thought that the real symmetry group of elementary particles is not SU(3) but SU(4). I recall...
15th September 2008
Quote:I've been using BOINC on Fedora 9 Linux for some time. Now, I see there's a new version, for Fedora 7 and 8. I...
14th September 2008
With mine Seamonkey, Mplayer and Mplayerplug-in, compiled by myself on SuSE Linux. all slides were clearly visible except...
13th September 2008
Quote: - Discussions with NVidia re coding of GPU's for E@H apps. I've put this problem to the developers at QMC...
13th September 2008