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tullio commented on Gravity varies...
Quote:Somewhere in Lyall Watsons excellent book Supernature, it is mentioned that there is somewhere in Europe where "...
23rd September 2008
Quote:You guys (and gals) talk too much. I was hoping to come back to no new messages. :-) How's life on whatever...
22nd September 2008
If you go to the CERN site:CERN you'll find also a video with a lady speaking in Italian of her work at CERN. I envied...
21st September 2008
From LHC@home forum I learned that damage is worse than expected and a two months delay is foreseen. A faulty electrical...
20th September 2008
Quote:Es better rename this thread to "The big LHC switch off." ;-) It is always Big Science, whether On or Off....
20th September 2008