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In his final speech David Anderson put forward a question: what will happen to BOINC if I am unable to carry on my duties...
9th March 2023
I watched the two Webinars. Attendance was not great,  about 48 people.I wonder how many users really care about BOINC and...
9th March 2023
The University of California Los Angeles has launched a SETI project based on Zoo Universe. I have watched a very pleasant...
17th February 2023
I am no longer at home but in a rest home for old people out of a hospital. I am  88.At home I had two desktops and two  ...
12th February 2023
You are right on the Task manager I can see it by clicking CTRL-SHIFT-ESC. On the same British keyboard I can get  the @...
9th February 2023