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Mehr Information dazu : Der Inhalt der Q-21-Sendung ist hier zu finden : http://...
28th September 2005
Gestern kam in Q-21 ein Bericht ueber einen perversen Professor an der Uni Hannover, einen gewissen "Herrn" Pohlmeier, der...
28th September 2005
Ananas commented on Taking my name!!!
For issues like this, storing the WAN IP from where the message has been posted in table "thread" might help.
18th September 2005
#define DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS 0x40010004 so it is probably something related to DrWatson or something where DrWatson...
18th September 2005
Yep, that was the point. In other projects we get this message after a rejected or failed contact with a delay before the...
18th September 2005