TimeLord04 commented on Seti Refuge Bar & Bistro Wing of Cafe Einstein
Quote:If you can find some eggs, I'll try and rustle up a nog or two :-)
Here's a Nog. :-)
24th December 2015
TimeLord04 commented on the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)
Good evening everyone. :-)
23rd December 2015
TimeLord04 commented on SpaceX And/Or Rocketry In General
22nd December 2015
TimeLord04 commented on the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)
Quote:Quote:Quote:My drone has three flying modes. One of them uses GPS for navigation, and in that mode it knows...
21st December 2015
TimeLord04 commented on the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)
Quote:My drone has three flying modes. One of them uses GPS for navigation, and in that mode it knows where it's not...
21st December 2015
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