TimeLord04 commented on Word Link 46
26th January 2016
TimeLord04 commented on the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)
Quote:Quote:Quote:Let's hope this didn't involve TL04 : )
Driver ‘convinced he could time travel’ smashes car...
26th January 2016
TimeLord04 commented on the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)
Quote:Let's hope this didn't involve TL04 : )
Driver ‘convinced he could time travel’ smashes car into three...
8th January 2016
TimeLord04 commented on the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)
Quote:Quote:Good evening everyone. :-)
Until then, I've just set Exeter to NOT crunch BOINC; but, have enabled...
4th January 2016
TimeLord04 commented on the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)
Good evening everyone. :-)
SETI@Home is going through some growing pains... Starting to release V8 WUs for CPU ONLY...
3rd January 2016
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