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Zalster commented on Upgrading BIOS
Found another USB drive, reformatting it and will stick that BIOS update on it here in a few
7th June 2016
Zalster commented on Upgrading BIOS
Quote:Quote:It's only 14 GB 14 GB? Not a power of two? I'd reformat FAT stat. Maybe use Rufus to fix the size. Or try...
7th June 2016
Zalster commented on Upgrading BIOS
Nope, still no joy I keep getting Selected file is not a proper BIOS!
7th June 2016
Zalster commented on Upgrading BIOS
Quote:The only 3 things that comes to mind: Is flash drive formatted to FAT 32 And/or may take another bootable pseudo...
7th June 2016
Zalster commented on Upgrading BIOS
Ok, reformated and it's at FAT32 with 14.4 GB
7th June 2016