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Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
That computer is down again. It's probably too hot in there for that computer. Probably why it keeps crashing.
9th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Quote:Use this graph..add a little for stability. Thanks. I ended up with 1.20v for 4.3 Ghz on my 5930K I had...
9th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Looks like I lost 1 of my 2 computers crunching Einstein for the last 2 days. Got it back up and running so we shall see
9th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Thanks Pete, but do you remember the graph of range of voltages? I currently have it set to 1.18v
8th June 2016
Zalster commented on Upgrading BIOS
So, from the overclockers website. One of the guys pointed out maybe I should do a step wise approach. He mentioned a...
8th June 2016