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Zalster commented on Newer Stats
Went to the house, reboot the computer. Lets see if it says on. I think it locked up last time. It was on but not...
13th June 2016
Betreger, Be glad that the system "misclassified" your cpu as "slow" otherwise you would have only gotten 1000 credits...
12th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Interesting...very interesting...
12th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
only 1 1080, I was going to sell it to him but he hadn't given me the $$. So for now I have it back and it's in Gamera...
11th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Thanks Pete, I'll let you know how it goes.. Got a 1080 in the Titan X machine. Runs 71C, not really any faster...
10th June 2016