I've recently installed E@H on an older print/file server that happens to have a GeForce 220 GT (1 GB RAM). I built the NVIDIA kernel module from the NVIDIA-Linux 256.44 sources, and it loads properly, but BOINC still says "No usable GPUs found" when starting up.
According to NVIDIA, this card supports CUDA, so I don't think the card is the problem. Could it be that I don't have X installed on this machine and BOINC requires some X-related library, in addition to the kernel module, in order to use the GPU?
(I have the same drivers on another computer with a GeForce 9600 GT, and it's using the GPU just fine.)
Edit: This is on Linux, by the way. :)
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(Yet Another) No usable GPUs found
How is BOINC installed? From the repositories or in your home directory or some other way.
Personally, I have BOINC installed to its own user account and I've never figured out how to get BOINC to use the GPU. It works fine if I install it to my home directory. Near as I can figure out, it's some sort of permission problem. I've not had the time nor the motivation to get beyond that.
Kathryn :o)
Einstein@Home Moderator
RE: How is BOINC
I'm using the client that's packaged and maintained by Debian. It uses its own user, "boinc", to run the service.
I have everything installed the exact same way on another computer (my desktop machine), and it uses the GPU just fine. :-\
Hmmm.... The fact that the
The fact that the nvidia driver was compiled successfully doesn't necessarily mean it's actually loaded when the system boots.
Just to exclude this as a problem, could you run
lsmod | grep nvidia
as root to see the status of the module ?
RE: The fact that the
Sure. It's definitely loaded.