Yerkes Observatory, which will soon reopen to the public

Dr Who Fan
Dr Who Fan
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Topic 227343

Great to see that a valuable place of Space Science & Astronomy will once again be open to visitors and scientists!
Urban spelunking: Yerkes Observatory, which will soon reopen to the public

Every now and again I'm faced with a subject so rich in facts and history and details that I can't imagine I'll ever get it all into the story. Meet the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, on Geneva Lake, Wisconsin

I was there many times from the early 1970's through the early '90's for tours and "Space and Telescope" viewing event's.

Many famous scientists, astronomers including Albert Einstein have visited the Observatory since it originally opened up in 1897.

Which was one of just two places that Albert Einstein said he absolutely had to see on his first visit to the United States (the other was Niagara Falls) in 1921.

Dr Who Fan
Dr Who Fan
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