WU Restarts Computation (stderr.txt : Failed to read checkpoint-counters)

Joined: 9 Sep 06
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Topic 192114

BOINC Client Version : 5.7.2

The WU was about 90% completed before I reboot my computer. After a reboot, the WU restarted and I found the messages below in stderr.txt :

2006-11-25 14:38:23.7656 [normal]: Found checkpoint-file 'Fstat.out.ckp'
Failed to read checkpoint-counters from 'Fstat.out.ckp'!
2006-11-25 14:38:23.7656 [normal]: No usable checkpoint found, starting from beginning.

Is this a bug? I've met this problem in 2 WUs. I've not met with this problem before although it is running under BOINC 5.7.2.

(Sorry for my poor English)

Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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WU Restarts Computation (stderr.txt : Failed to read checkpoint-

You are using a version of BOINC that not even considered Beta, and and old version of it at that. So, your mileage may very on different projects. Until the projects are ready for the new version (by upgrading their backend), they may not work well with non mainstream software.

Joined: 9 Sep 06
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Thanks! I'll change my BOINC

Thanks! I'll change my BOINC software to 5.4.11 (which is a stable release).

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