This is a game called "Word Link". It's a simple game where you type a word related to the last word. For example: snake -> viper -> car -> thunderbird -> firefox. It is fun and quick. If you get a chance just post a word. Or keep an eye on the game to try to keep your score building by having the last word in the thread. The longer the time as the last word, the more points you will receive. When the game has ended (which can be at any time), the scores will be posted.
Scoring and Rules
>Each post will receive one point per second that it is the most current post plus 60 points. If two people happen to post at the same time (to the second) the first post listed will receive points (the post that the Einstein servers responded to first), the other receives none.
> In the event of a tie for the win, the person with the highest points per post average wins. If still tied, then the win will go to the person who has the most posts.
> Rhyming words without *apparent relation will only receive half of the time score rounded down. If less than a minute, no point will be awarded.
> A word that bears no *apparent relation to the previous one will not receive a score.
* by apparent relation I'm referring to me consulting my Webster's unabridged dictionary, using Wikipedia and/or
a search engine on the internet (Google for example).
> A post that is the opposite of the previous word will receive half the points for time plus 30 seconds. An example would be "light -> dark" or "cold -> hot"
> If a player modifies their post after the next person posts a word, then the modified post will receive no points. Remember, the browser refresh button is your friend... and type quick! A modified post before the next person's post will earn normal points from the initial post.
Other stuff
> Please post your word first. Any comments, explanations, etc. should be entered on the next line in your post. This will make it easier to score.
> Please use the 'Reply to this thread' instead of 'Reply to this post' when entering a word. This makes it easier to score.
> Please do not post signatures as it slows down the loading of the game in the browser, esp. for dial-up users.
> You may use filler words in parentheses () to clarify. A tilda (~) may be used to represent the previous word in the link. For example: informed -> ~ decision
Thanks to prab~ at the Spybot forums from whom I plagiarized part of the first paragraph.
A Special Thank You to Chipper Q who coded the scoring macros and made the Scoring Edition possible... and accurate!
KsMarksPsych ended that last one and begins this one with weather.
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Word Link 6 : Scoring Edition
plow (50 some minutes Dan.
(50 some minutes Dan. I see you trying to get in some major lead time... ;^))
road (I was trying to be
(I was trying to be quiet and not wake everyone)
sign (the above was posted
(the above was posted very quietly...)
Stop (this can't last for
(this can't last for long...the others will be here soon)
exclamation (get your post
(get your post scores in while the gettin' is easy... ;^))
~ head
~ head