I had an unreliable motherboard for a some time, which crached at the end because of faulty capacitors at the CPU. I took me quite a while to reconstruct every thing with a new motherboard. But now I´m safely and stable up 24h/d since more than a week.
I like to have a buffer of tasks for 3 days of continously crunching and marked this in my adjustments since a week, as I had and got for longer time before. But I get only a reserve for about 1/2 day. First I thought, this might be because I had a phase of higher unreliability and I will get more tasks by time, when they see, I´m crunching at a constant level. But it isn´t so. Why ??? What´s wrong at me?
Kind regards and happy crunching
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Why not getting more tasks ???
What have you set for the two values, "Computer is connected to the Internet about every" and "Maintain enough work for an additional"? Boinc will fill the cache to those values combined and then wait until you reach the "connected" value before asking again.
Have you set local prefs using the Boinc Manager? They override the online prefs so either clear them or update them if they are in use.
Doing a quick calculation using the scheduler logs and the in progress tasks Boinc and the scheduler estimates the 9 FGRP4 tasks will take about 26 hours to complete using 3 of your 4 cores.
31900s * 9 = 287100s
287100s / 3 = 95700s
95700s / 3600 = 26.6h
Two basic steps in
Two basic steps in considering work fetch concerns are:
1. review the event log for your updates with the server
2. review the log of your most recent work request interaction as stored on the server
The event log is accessible from boincmgr on your host,
[pre] Advanced|event log[/pre]
and will tell you whether your host actually asked for fresh work or not, and if not, why not, separately for GPU and CPU work.
I think a link to the work request interaction used to be regularly placed in the event log, but perhaps that is changed. In any case, the URL to reach this is formed in a standard way from the host ID number. For your host at issue, the link is:
Just as I am writing this post, that says your most recent host interaction for work request was at 2015-03-21 14:18:08.7828, and at that time your host requested no GPU work and only 8830 seconds of CPU work, and in fact received one new FGRP4 work unit deemed adequate to fulfill the request.
So your host appears not to be failing to receive work it requests, but rather not to be requesting so much work as you desire.
Could it be that you have adjusted the work request parameters for a location (aka venue) differing from the actual one to which that host is assigned?
Or, as Holmis mentioned, could it be that you are adjusting the web site parameters, forgetting that you have overridden them by specifying local preferences on this host itself? (you get to these from Boincmgr using tools|computing preferences).
Hallo Holmis! Thanks for your
Hallo Holmis!
Thanks for your response!
there is set nothing, meaning at all time.
is set to 4 [days], for testing
Oh, I was searching for this for prolonged time and didn´t find it. I must have had tomatoes on my eyes, as we say in Germany.
That was it and it works.
Many thanks to you and please foregive me, that I bothered you.
Kind regards an happy crunching
Hallo Archae86! Thankyou also
Hallo Archae86!
Thankyou also to you. It´s solved.
I viewed this in the adjustments, but didn´t recognice it before. I hope it isn´t a bad signe of age.
Kind regards and happy crunching
RE: RE: set local prefs
You're welcome and it's no bother. I'm happy that I managed to help you and please do ask again if there's something else bothering you!