I've only been a member since 18 Jun 2012 with some 8000 work done. Today when I checked my tasks list, about 2/3 of them are gone. The total work I've done is correct, but most tasks from the last two weeks aren't showing.
It's kind of weird since they were all there last week.
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Where have my tasks gone?
To be able to show all tasks that everyone ever did, for everyone who does this project, the project needs an extremely large (and cumbersome, slow and error-prone) database. So they don't keep a record of all the tasks you done.
Once in a while they'll prune all the old work you've done, delete them from the BOINC database. The result file of any of those tasks has been stored in the science database already, complete with the (nick)names of the people that did the task and what their outcome was. So there is no need to keep the result file for everyone who did the task in the BOINC database.
This 'once in a while' differs from project to project. Most of the smaller projects delete their results from the BOINC database once every 24 hours. The larger projects can get away with longer times between pruning. Here at Einstein it's probably more like 3 weeks.
Also, you didn't 'do 8,000 work'. You got ~8,000 credit together.
Work done here is paid for with credit, a sort of thank you from the project that you're doing their work. With the credit you can compare against other machines how well you machine is doing. BRP4s pay 500, S6 LineVeto 251.23 and Gamma-Ray 337 credit.
FWIW on E@H workunits are
FWIW on E@H workunits are purged 7 days after (successful) validation (precisely 7 days after file deletion, but usually validation, assimilation and file deletion of a WU happens within the same minute). With a deadline of 14-18 days the average time a workunit is kept in the database should be consistent with "three weeks or so".