Happily, during the Einstein website outage associated with conversion to Drupal, the project continued to publish the files used by external statistics sites such as BOINCStats so we could get a look at our fleet health that way.
However just now it appears possible that there may recently have been a publication gap. While the project level data at BOINCStats show a reasonable-seeming update with the August 5 date, their PC-level data shows 0, which is not usual for them. It is normal there that the PC-level data updates several hours later than the project-level data, but I think it is not usual for them to post a zero day for Einstein--though not unheard of either.
It is of course entirely possible that the real oddity is at BOINCStats, not Einstein, but I thought I'd mention this possible signal without confirmation it is an Einstein problem.
While I'm on the statistics-updating topic. I'll mention that the dashboard project listing stats seem somewhat stale. My Einstein RAC there is listed as 576k. Assuming "k" here means 1000 and not 1024, that is my RAC of over four days ago. Possibly that one is supplied by a daily update process which has just not run yet. Or maybe there is a missing connection somewhere. By the way, if I actually click on the Einstein project link show for my account on my dashboard, the very next page shows up-to-date Einstein RAC and credit for me.
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Yes, stats exports are
Yes, stats exports are currently not accessible. I logged a bug report to be solved on Monday.
The RAC issue is related to that. The RAC you see in the project list is from a 3rd party site and get's updated there. Sadly I don't see a last update timestamp. Lets see how that changes once we export data again. If it is still lagging more than 24h than we need to check again.
Judging by the appearance of
Judging by the appearance of the BOINCStats site for my account, Einstein publication of the files they rely on must have resumed several hours ago.
The RAC number displayed for my Einstein work on my account dashboard remains what it was, so is now something like six days out of date. Curiously enough the total credit number displayed next to it is much more up-to-date than is the RAC.
We enabled stats export over
We enabled stats export over the weekend again. What you see now should be a caching issue where we need to find out where it is happening.