The BOINC manager(Local host), this is a scarp program, it takes 2,3 hrs to transfer 16Mb, it shows that the rate of transfer is 800KB/second, but it takes2.3 hrs to download a file for three days the same problem is persisting, Surprising this problem was never there with the SETI classic system. I suppose the people producing this program or administering these should pay some attention to the user friendly program, other who on earth will sit for 2 hrs for this short transfer which should not take more than few minutes to the most. I am so surprised that the program operators are not paying any attention towards their useless scarp program which they give us to work on.
The screen save on the whole crashes two times a day and to set it right, I have to switch and reboot the computer.This is another scrapy from a big name.
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Uploading problem and screen saver problem
One entry found for scarp.
Main Entry: scarp
Pronunciation: 'skärp
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian scarpa
1 : the inner side of a ditch below the parapet of a fortification
2 a : a line of cliffs produced by faulting or erosion -- see FAULT illustration
b : a low steep slope along a beach caused by wave erosion
Dr. Vishnu,
You posted a few days ago with a question, and it was responded to in a serious and respectful manner. This time, it seems like you just want to vent and gripe, you ask no question, and so, you are undeserving of any answer.
For anyone curious about the large (~7.0MB) download files - the large datasets which are downloaded to your hosts and reside thereafter in your "" folder contain scores and sometimes hundreds of workunits which are then "shaved off" as your Boinc program needs them for processing. Each large dataset file will typically last for weeks or even more than a month, until exhausted, and then another large download from the project will be necessary.
So yes, every so often, those on dialup connections will have to tolerate and accomodate a 2-hour download. It only becomes a major annoyance for those on a "scarp" connection. :-)
"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK
RE: The BOINC manager(Local
It's hard to see what's going wrong on your machine. It may be that some of the data files have been corrupted? Could I suggest that you try the 'reset project' option?
Director, Einstein@Home