Upload issues

Harri Liljeroos
Harri Liljeroos
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Yes, uploads are stalling

Yes, uploads are stalling here as well. Started seeing problems around 02:00 UTC.

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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uploads no problem on

uploads no problem on Gravitational Wave tasks


Richard Haselgrove
Richard Haselgrove
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Ian&Steve C. wrote: uploads

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

uploads no problem on Gravitational Wave tasks

Which is no consolation when a bunch of Gamma-ray pulsar binary search uploads blocked further work fetch requests overnight.

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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BRP4 task uploads are

BRP4 task uploads are disabled too.


Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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I manually aborted the

I manually aborted the transfer on a bunch of my stuck GR tasks (100ish), and it didnt error out most of them. it seems the upload DOES finish server side, you just dont get the receipt back to the boinc client. it errored some of them though. oh well. whatever gets them off my system to unblock downloads and working GW again.


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"Thou shalt not upload

"Thou shalt not upload Gamma-ray pulsar searches on Sunday"  -- which is another way of saying that mine are also stuck (for whatever it's worth)  Not a big deal for me!  Upload facility went to church, mosque, temple, etc.

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I may have missed someone

I may have missed someone already identifying the source of the upload problem.  Otherwise, this might help.

I noticed shortly after 05:00 GMT (UTC) 2020-01-03 that the boinc.berkeley.edu site was completely down. It has come back online -very- briefly several times, but it keeps going back down.

It is my understanding that, if the BOINC servers at Berkeley are down, then projects that use the BOINC platform may experience communications difficulties due to the fact that the BOINC platform must also communicate with the BOINC servers.

It may be the old addage that "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link" hitting us.

Since all of boinc.berkeley.edu still appears to be down, I have been unable to get any news from them regarding this situation.

I guess we may just have to keep trying until BOINC comes back online.

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By the way, please -do NOT-

By the way, please -do NOT- abort your uploads!
That is -NOT- the problem.

Aborting your uploads also aborts your tasks, which means that you lose all the work you did on them (not to mention your credit for them).

More importantly, it forces Einstein to reissue those tasks to someone else, thus delaying the completion of those scientific units. Every work unit is vital to the successful search of deep space and the advancement of man's knowledge of the universe.

p.s.  I learned this the hard way a number of years ago, so I hope this information saves you from making the same mistakes I did.

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"I guess we may just have to

"I guess we may just have to keep trying until BOINC comes back online."

Nah, Berkley has been down for well over 24hrs. Our upload problem is not a Boinc issue. 


Sascha Becker
Sascha Becker
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Hi. Ich, kann, 2 fertige

Hi. Ich, kann, 2 fertige Wu's, nicht, hochladen. Warum? Keine, Ahnung, den, neue , WU's, werden, derzeit, bearbeitet. Das, runterladen. :-)

MfG :-)

Sascha Becker.  :-)

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