Upgrading To Higher Version Boinc?

Joined: 11 Nov 04
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Topic 189044

My application appears to have stopped somewhat recently. One of the errors I've seen is that I need to upgrade to a higer version (4.19 or higher---I have 4.13).

Do I Uninstall my current BOINC and then Re-install the newest version? Or is there a better way of upgrading?

John McLeod VII
John McLeod VII
Joined: 10 Nov 04
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Upgrading To Higher Version Boinc?

> My application appears to have stopped somewhat recently. One of the errors
> I've seen is that I need to upgrade to a higer version (4.19 or higher---I
> have 4.13).
> Do I Uninstall my current BOINC and then Re-install the newest version? Or is
> there a better way of upgrading?
To upgrade from 4.1x to 4.2x, you must uninstall first. This is in general non-destructive. However, CPDN WUs can crash during this proceedure sometimes. To upgrade from 4.1x and earlier to 4.1x or 4.2x to 4.2x and later, just install over the top of the current version. There is a break between 4.19 and 4.20 because of a change in installer technology.

Either 4.19 or 4.25 is the recommended version depending on the OS of the computer. If you use BOINCView, you should keep all of your clients either 4.19 and earlier or 4.20 and later (BOINCView has different versions for the two sets).

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