Universe@home (University of Warsaw, Poland) seems to have gone dark a couple of days ago.
I'm unable to connect to their website https://universeathome.pl/universe/ or http://universeathome.pl/universe/, and I haven't see any notices. And from within BOINC: "...project servers may be temporarily down."
I know servers go down now and then, but it's odd the website is down, too (I know, another server;-).
Anyone hear anything?
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WPRION, There appears to
There appears to be several power outages in Germany and Poland, and several other locations in Europe. Also, there may be one or more under sea cables that have been severed. Though I don't know for sure, many think that they are related to the war in Ukraine. It is also possible that the outage in Poland is just a server that is down.
All we can do is wait.
Proud member of the Old Farts Association
Not really hear anything. But
Not really hear anything. But u@h has been spotty ever since there were some European-based internet outages caused by cut undersea cables.
And now World Community Grid seems to be suffering too.
Tom M
A Proud member of the O.F.A. (Old Farts Association).
I found some info online, but
I found some info online, but it's very confusing. First it said two undersea cables were cut, then corrected to say it was a cable on land in France not undersea, then it said the land cable has been repaired. Strange times.
WPrion wrote:I found some
I read a story the other day that said that several cables had been cut and at least one of them had been repaired already, that would make sense with what you heard about both undersea and on land cables being cut
Universe is offline due to
Universe is offline due to significant work on power cables inside CAMK building. If everything goes according to plan servers will be resumed in monday (24 oct.)
Their website is up, but not
Their website is up, but not quite yet for the project:
"Electricity issue
On last two days we had serious electricity problem in CAMK (not only in server room - in whole building).
Unfortunately, the problem isn't solved yet, as some elements needs to be replaced on electricity supplier side.
"We can get power cut on any time in next days without previous signal as currently our power line is used at maximum its capability.
Project will be back in
Project will be back in monday 28 Nov
pawg wrote: Project will be
It will be nice to have them back on line again
Prepare for monday evening or
Prepare for monday evening or tuesday morning. There are some extra work happening, more than just transformer change (project hardware)
pawg wrote: Prepare for
Woo Hoo!!