I am getting an error for the last works I downloaded, and this last for the past 2 months, I begin to desperate and I will leave the proyect if it is not fixed somehow.
The error I use to get is this kind:
- exit code -164 (0xffffff5c)
2006-02-07 04:00:17.2067 [normal]: Start of BOINC application 'projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/albert_4.37_windows_intelx86.exe'.
2006-02-07 04:00:17.3160 [normal]: Started search at lalDebugLevel = 0
2006-02-07 04:00:20.7998 [normal]: Checkpoint-file 'Fstat.out.ckp' not found.
2006-02-07 04:00:20.7998 [normal]: No usable checkpoint found, starting from beginning.
No heartbeat from core client for 31 sec - exiting
2006-02-07 04:39:25.4957 [normal]: Start of BOINC application 'projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/albert_4.37_windows_intelx86.exe'.
2006-02-07 04:39:41.4957 [normal]: Started search at lalDebugLevel = 0
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x01825000 read attempt to address 0x01825000
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Please see this thread and see if that is it.
No, the problem doesn't seem
No, the problem doesn't seem to be the same. Even if it was, I don't see the solution in that thread.
Thanks, anyway.
Just some things to check,
Just some things to check, like, is your fan clean and moving adequate air, use these programs to check for stability..
Prime95 Torture test
Are you running screen saver? If so is the driver upto date and which Vid Card are you using?
Turn off the screen saver and check if the WUs will process to completion....
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x01825000 read attempt to address 0x01825000
It does seem to be the same problem. And, the reason you don't see a solution is they don't know what is causing the problem yet. That's why the If you have an Albert crashing on 0xC0000005 ... survey thread is there - to get people who are having the problem (like you) to help provide the info they need - so they can solve it.
It's hard to tell if that was
It's hard to tell if that was it or not. Fer, your exit code is different from the ones in the thread I refered to. All of them have an access violation though. Follow what Jim K posted on the stress tests as you may have a hardware failure or something. Post all your specs here like the ones that are getting posted in the other thread.
I post here my CPU stats
I post here my CPU stats (also in the thread stated by wumpus):
[*] On which unit did it happen? (See in your Your Account, Results.)
[*] Which operating system are you using?
Windows 2000 SP4
[*] What make & model of CPU do you have? Is it overclocked?
Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz
[*] How much memory does your PC have?
1 GB
[*] Did you get the crash when you had graphics/screensaver on?
I suppose so, but not sure
[*] What make & model videocard do you use?
Intel 82865G (built-in videocard)
[*] Is it updated to use the latest DirectX and drivers?
[*] Do you have Microsoft .NET installed on your computer?
[*] Are you using the latest BIOS/drivers for your motherboard?
[*] Which BOINC version are you using? (if need be: And why?)
[*] How is BOINC installed? As a single/shared user install or as a service?
single user
[*] Are you running multiple projects? If yes, list them and tell of the switch between projects time and if you leave the applications in memory when preempted.
Einstein (300)
Predictor (100)
SETI (100)
[*] When did the crash occur? Did you reboot, was it when changing projects, something else?
I haven't got a work unit finished for almost 2 months, more than 10 work units went to the trash. So the answer to this question is quite complex: reboot or changing projects? I don't think so.
[*] What do you think crashed the Albert unit?
Obviously a not valid access to memory
RE: 0xC0000005 errors, or
That's what Walt wrote me in email. So we do now know what it means, but there's no solution to the problem yet.